Press Conference

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Press Conference


I had no control over my tongue anymore. Words left my lips before my mind could think about it.

"You are a blessing. Thank you... for coming into my life."

A siren in my mind started blaring when I saw Jisoo standing dumbfounded, eyes wide open and frozen in her spot. My heart raced as though I was running a marathon.

Shit... did I scare her off by saying that? Ugh! I probably did! I should've thought about it before speaki-

"No." A quiet breath left Jisoo's lips, "Thank you."

She walked towards me and took my hands in hers, "Thank you for making me realise that I don't have to be a prisoner of my past. That I can break free from the shackles I put on to myself."

It was my turn to blink, dumbfounded.

Another alarm ran through my head as I realised or proximity, and the way her lips - although chapped - pulled me in like a moth to flame.

God, I want to kiss her!

I pulled away before I could do something stupid, "I'll go shower. I must be reeking of alcohol." I managed an awkward chuckle.

Jisoo's lips curved up as she nodded, "I'll freshen up too."

I backtracked.

Bad idea! Because I hit my heel to the table, making me fall backwards and roll on the floor.

While I was groaning in pain, I heard Jisoo's breath hitch as she knelt beside me on the cold marble, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. Perfect." I barely laughed.

I didn't miss how Jisoo pursed her lips, giving away the fact that she found this amusing. I narrowed my eyes at her, hoping the humour dies down. But instead, she bursted into a fit of laughter.

I thought my initial response would be to pout, offended. But a smile made its way on my lips as her chuckles brightened up everything.

Her laughter sounded like wind chimes on a spring day, dancing to the rhythm of the breeze. If sunlight had a sound, it would probably be her voice.

"Okay, you can help me up instead of laughing. You know there's that option too?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." She giggled before taking my hand and helping me off the floor, "There you go."

"Thanks." I ruffled my hair. My gaze fell upon the wall clock and I felt my eyes almost roll off my face, "SHIT! I HAVE A SHOOTING SCHEDULE IN THIRTY MINUTES!"


"Do you want to come with me?" Taehyung stopped by the breakfast nook, looking down as I ate cereal and milk.

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