Mr. Einstein

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Mr. Einstein


The moment I gained consciousness, I felt a head-pounding ache, worse than last time.

I groaned as I sat up, holding my head tightly between my palms in an attempt to lessen the pain. But of course, it was useless.

I felt weak and my eyes burned as if molten lava was leaking out of them.

I realised that I had woken up at an odd time again by looking at how there was hardly any light entering the room.


I rolled my eyes and let out a wince at the uninvited jolt of pain in my head.

I decided that it would be best for me to sleep it off. And so, I laid back on the mattress and closed my eyes, waiting.




Wai- Ugh!

I sat up again, causing a pulse of pain tremor through my head again.

I got out of bed and floundered my way to the kitchen to find a tablet that could help with the headache. My objective for now was to get the pain killer without encountering Taehyung. I didn't have the face to see him right now and I was extremely embarrassed for what I did yesterday.

I never wanted to show that side of me... especially to the stranger that apparently shared the same face as my fiancé.

I let out a sigh of relief when there wasn't anyone in the living room or kitchen. I ushered my way to the cabinets and looked for a tablet.

Amongst the sheets and boxes of different tablets, my eyes sparkled when I found what I was looking for.

Just before I could let out a cheer, the main door opened, revealing a sweaty and exhausted Taehyung. We froze like deers caught in headlights when our eyes met.

"M-morning..." I managed a smile, maybe if pretended like nothing happened then he'd play along?

"Are you okay? You fell unconscious yeste-"

Or not...

I walked into my room and closed the door before I could face any more embarrassment. I leaned against the door and let out a deep breathe. I dragged my legs towards the bed and threw myself on the edge of it.

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