Personal Question

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Personal Question


This has got to be a joke, right?

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously, Jungkook. Now's not the time to be pranking me."

"Hyung! I'm serious! You really think I'd be joking about it right now? With Noona in that state? I-"

Jungkook was cut off as both our eyes fell upon the doctor who just walked out of Jisoo's room, alongside his nurse. He removed the stethoscope from around his neck and tucked it into the pocket of his white coat, "She's resting at the moment. We've connected IV drips to her since her body isn't going to accept any food for now. I advise she stays here till she completely recovers. And also, Mr Kim, can I borrow you for a moment?"

I exchanged looks with Jungkook before standing up and walking along with Dr Kim, away from the waiting room, "Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?"

I hesitated since I didn't know what to expect from his 'personal question' but I nodded anyway, "Yeah...?"

"When was the last time you had a sexual intercourse with Miss Choi?"

I almost choked on my saliva, but quickly straightened myself, "Why...?"

"Did you notice any abnormalities during the intercourse? Like, blood or anything?"

"I- no..." one part of me was clueless as to why Dr Kim was so curious about our non-existent sex life, while on the other hand his questions were starting to worry me.

"I performed normal blood tests and body scans on her, Mr Kim. And I thought you should know that, Miss Choi has a stage 3 of cervical cancer."

My heart almost stopped and my eyes grew wide, "What are you saying...?"

I was in disbelief. I wasn't sure if she knew of it, which would be highly unlikely since stage 3 of any kind of cancer was noticeable.

Dr Kim pursed his lips and gave my shoulder a squeeze, "I'm sorry, Mr Kim, that you had to figure it out this way."

I took a seat beside Jungkook who's eyes were fixed on my side profile. I huffed and looked up at the plain ceiling, resting my head against the wall behind me.

"What did the doctor say, hyung?"

I let out a deep breath, "Since you both are pretty close, did Jisoo ever tell you anything about her health issues, Jungkook?"

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