The Cleaner

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The Cleaner


News was already flooding in. Several photos were taken of us, together, outside the store.

After the awkward encounter with the old woman, we joined Jaehee and Jungkook back in the van. The moment we got in, Jungkook shoved his phone, showing us the websites blowing up with articles mentioning us as "THE MYSTERY GIRL WITH KIM TAEHYUNG" "WHO STOLE THE HEART OF THE HEARTTHROB?" and so on.

"Good, now that you've gotten what you want can we go home?" Taehyung crossed his arms and fell back into his seat. Back in the store, I almost saw my Tae in him. Almost... but this was what he really was. Arrogant, egoistic and 24/7 passive aggressive.

I always had to keep in mind that it was only the face that resembled, and nothing else.

He was not him.

I had the house to myself as Taehyung had to go the the agency straight after. The driver brought me back home while Jungkook and Jaehee joined Taehyung at the agency. Like last time, I had to use the back exit to enter the apartment complex as a huge mass of fans and media stood outside the main entrance of the building. I couldn't afford to be swarmed by a group of people who most probably had a fire of deep rage burning in the pits of their stomach.

Since I had nothing much to do, I ended up cleaning the house and let me make this clear, this man definitely didn't know how to keep his place clean. Sheets were messy and undone. Wardrobe doors were open. The curtains looked like they hadn't been washed in a century - a previously grey shade turned into a mucky brown colour due to the accumulated dust. The more I looked around the more I started to think that this house belonged to an extremely anti-social person who was scared to even bring a maid to clean this place.

After cleaning most of the house, the only place left was the kitchen. To my surprise, it wasn't as messy, probably because there was only one cereal bowl, one coffee mug and a set of spoon, knife and fork.

When it came to social gatherings, Tae was always doing his best with the hospitality and genuinely enjoyed spending time with groups of people. But from what I could see here, this Taehyung seemed to absolutely despise having people over. I felt bad looking at this place. It almost felt like... he was afraid to have any kind of attachment with people.

A sudden urge to turn this place around began to itch inside me. But the problem here was that I didn't have money to buy new furniture or sheets.

I sank onto the chair by the kitchen island and laid my head on the marble counter, sighing deeply, "I need to find a job."

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