The Telephone

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The Telephone


"But you found me this time." I heard her delicate voice through the wooden door on which I had my ear pressed against,  "You always find me."

I was late.

I wish I got there sooner. I wish I found her first and told her how sorry I was. I wish I could make things right.

Letting out a deep breath, I dragged my feet away from the door.

Maybe, she was right... she would be better off without a person like me. I let my emotions cloud my judgment and treated her as if she didn't exist. She deserved someone like Jungkook - caring, understanding, patient. All the things that I'm not.

I am a troubled person, and I'll only cause more problems for anyone who's with me.

Before I knew it, I was already in the car park.

"Mr Kim. Are you off to somewhere?"

I nodded, "Can I have the keys, please?"

"Uh, sure. Does Miss Jaehee know or Mr Jeon?"

"They do." I held out my hand to the driver, who hesitantly placed the car keys on my palm, "Thank you."

"Please be careful."

"I will." I simply smiled and got into the car.


Jungkook and I walked back to the flat.

Our way back was quiet and comforting in a way. What I liked about Jungkook was that he wasn't very intrusive even though he would have a million questions in his mind. He understood that it was worth giving time before getting answers.

I hardly knew many people like that, including Tae.

However, my father had the same quality. He'd always give others the time to recover before fishing for answers. He was patient and would always provide a comforting shoulder before suggesting solutions.

Men were stereotyped as the cold ones, or the ones with large egos with no emotional maturity. But my dad and Jungkook were living and breathing evidences that men too, are caring and extremely empathetic.

"Hyung?" Jungkook called out, snapping me out of my thoughts. Frowning, he looked over at me, "He's not home. He's probably still searching for you. I'll call him and let him know that you're back."

Jungkook pulled out his phone from his back pocket and walked towards the balcony.

I made my way towards the couch and sat myself atop the bouncy surface. It was already time for the sun to set as the skies were glowing with orange and red hues over the horizon.

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