Employee's Party

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Employee's Party


I could no longer distinguish between what was real and what wasn't. I could no longer remember how many days had passed by. All I could see was how the ice on my window pane melted away to reveal blossoming flowers and green leaves.

While others celebrated the return of spring, an ongoing avalanche was destroying everything inside me. The bitter cold still stabbed my heart.

They say we never realise the value of light till we're in darkness. I guess I could say that my yearning for Tae never made me realise my true feelings for Taehyung... until I lost him too.

Between light and dark, if one doesn't exist there will always be the other. But with them?

Comparing each of them to light and dark was a mistake. They were both my light. While Tae was the blazing light of the sun, sharing warmth and joy, Taehyung was the moon. Distant and cold from appearance. But a symbol of tranquility. A company during the darkness. Beautiful and pure.

What's a sky without its sun and moon? A blank canvas with only white speckles that wouldn't help with the darkness. That wouldn't give Earth her glow.

I was her.

I was the Earth. Whole and existing, but lonely and void of any light. Yearning for my light. Yearning for a company during the endless nights.

I got out of bed after what seemed like forever. My legs still felt like jelly even though it had been a month since I woke up.

Clutching the teak banister tightly, I carefully took one step after the other down the staircase.

"Jisoo!" Hobi noticed me and immediately ran up the stairs to help me, "How many times do I tell you to ask me for help!?"

"I didn't want to bother you, oppa." I limped alongside Hobi, "Besides, I need to practice walking anyway."

"Next time, ask." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Okay." I smiled at him as he sat me down on the sofa, "Where's mom and dad?"

"Oh! They're arranging for the party." Hobi took a seat beside me, folding one leg on the sofa.

"Party?" I knitted my brows.

"Employee party. Since you weren't well and we lost- anyway, dad didn't have the heart to conduct it in December as always. But now that you're well and awake, he's arranged for it now."

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