Departmental Store

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CHAPTER NINEDepartmental Store

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Departmental Store


This was our first day together in public. Mr Bang suggested Taehyung and I to be seen together to set the fake relationship in action. The task was simple - going to the shop close by, wearing masks and bucket hats to stir more suspicion. But what I still couldn't figure out was the reason behind Mr Bang forcing us like this. I mean, from what I've learnt in the very short time I've been here I have realised that Taehyung is an important and popular celebrity here. So why did this relationship matter so much to Mr Bang...?

"Okay, so you guys have to walk down the street together. Holding hands." Jaehee explained, giving both Taehyung and I scrutinising looks. She patted Jungkook's shoulder, "He's gonna be with you guys, incase something goes wrong."

And by something going wrong she meant a potential encounter with a crazy sasaeng (an obsessive 'fan' who stalks celebrities) who could pounce onto Taehyung or worse - harming either one of us. I didn't want to imagine the possibilities. I had quite a few friends who were actors and idols back in my world, and their stories about sasaengs never went well. NEVER. Tae, being a handsome, young and rich businessman had a fair share of such incidents, and it was always traumatising at the end of the day. As famous people, we had no choice but to choose it as something that was part of our daily life. A day without stalking or strange encounters was a surprise to people like us.

I broke out of my daydream when I felt someone's glare burning holes into my skull. I looked around to see the other three individuals focusing on me, but Taehyung and Jaehee were the ones who looked like they were ready to bury me alive any moment now.

"Are you clear with what I just said?" Jaehee clenched her jaw, pinching the bridge of her nose. I nodded before she could combust. She really was a scary woman and I was already on her bad side from the very second I met her. I didn't want to make it worse - if that was even possible that is.

"Good!" She paused and looked at us with one brow up, "What are you all looking at? Go, go! Get onto the plan!"



"Okay, you guys be careful! I can spot some people already waiting for you to get out of this van, so the moment you step out start behaving like real couples." Jaehee said in a warning tone. I could figure that if I screwed this up, I'd soon be six feet underground.

I rolled my eyes and slid the door open slightly, "You coming or not!" It wasn't even a question. I was frustrated at everything. I was frustrated at Jisoo for putting me under such circumstances.

When she looked at me like a deer caught in headlights, I grunted and grabbed her hand, exiting the van. I pulled up my mask with my free hand and walked down the street with Jisoo following me with haste steps as I dragged her along.

"Taehyung, stop walking so fast!" She whisper-shouted behind me, but I only picked up my speed after she said that.

"Not my problem that you have short legs."

I heard her groan before she pulled me with all her force. I stumbled backwards and almost hit an electric pole, "What the hell! That could've ruined my face-!"

"Stop dragging me around like I'm some sort of a pet." She clicked her tongue and walked past me, still holding my hand.

If I wasn't out in the public, I'd probably throw a tantrum.

We reached the departmental store and before we could walk in, I heard a few camera shutters go off. Pretending as though I didn't hear them, I pushed the door for Jisoo to walk in and then followed her. I heard a scoff leave her lips when I acted oh-so-gentleman-ly just for the camera. Only the two of us knew how much I hated being in this situation while Jisoo was probably dying of happiness - on the inside - to be on a date with Korea's number one star... even if it was anything but real.

I rolled my eyes at the thought and continued walking beside her.

"What do we do nex-"

"Oh, my! Aren't you Kim Taehyung?" An old woman from behind the counter smiled brightly at us, making the wrinkles around her eyes and cheeks prominent. Thankfully, there weren't many customers around.

I smiled and nodded, pulling down my mask to my chin, "I am. It's nice to meet you." I bowed politely.

"Oh, such a discipled man. Celebrities these days are so stuck up in their heads, but you my boy, are so polite and respectful." The woman gushed. Her eyes fell upon the figure beside me and then to our interlinked hands, "Oh, is that your girlfriend?"

"Yes." My grip tightened, "Yes! She is!"

Jisoo pulled down her mask and bowed to the woman too, with a little smile on her face. Oh, how much I wanted to make that smile disappear off her face for doing this to me!

"You both look so good for each other. I hope you live a happy life together!" She wished us, patting our shoulders gently.

Just before I could say anything, I felt a harsh push on my shoulder, "Move it!"

Jisoo lost her balance and landed on the floor while I backtracked till I could support myself against the counter. I could only get a glimpse of the angry man who hurriedly walked out of the store and then looked at Jisoo who was slowly getting back onto her feet.

"Are you okay, dear?" The woman rushed to Jisoo and then looked up at me, "Aren't you gonna help your girlfriend, young man?"

I put my hands over Jisoo's shoulder and feigned concern, "Are you okay, baby? You're not hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine." She rolled her eyes only for me to see but said it in a cheery tone. It was amusing, honestly.

"Aww, look at you. You remind me of my husband." The woman cooed as she looked at our theatrical exchange.

"Oh, I'm sure he's charming then!" I chuckled.

"No. He's dead."

I'm honestly starting to lose confidence over my writing, idk why tho...

I just don't feel motivated enough these days, and I HATE IT!!!

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