Back to Reality

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Back to Reality


The first thing I noticed when I woke up was how my head weighed a tonne. The second thing I noticed was the white ceiling that first seemed blurry and then slowly merged into one undivided view. The third thing I noticed were the olive green curtains and accessories around the room, reminding me of the bedroom Tae and I shared. And the fourth -

Wait, what?

A sharp gasp left my lips as I felt a harsh tug on my inner elbow when I scrambled to sit upright.


An IV that was previously connected to me now collided to the floor, but the sound never reached my ears as I took in my surroundings. This looked like my room in Taehyung's apartment, but... it wasn't the same. It didn't have the blue sheets. No blue accent chairs in the corner, instead replaced with a teak bookcase that held Tae's favourite collection of classics.

"This can't be real." I muttered to myself, "No... no, no, no..."

I pushed the sheets off of my legs and stumbled onto the floor from the medical bed that had replaced the king-sized bed Tae and I shared.

"TAEHYUNG! TAEHYUNG!" I cried out.

Glass pierced into my skin, blood dripped from my wounds. But none of it seemed to matter because suddenly it felt like I was living a nightmare. A sick joke.

"Jisoo! Oh, my god!" I felt fingers encircle my arms, "You're awake!"

I looked up to see warm, brown eyes looking are me with worry and surprise, "H-Hobi...?"

His eyes glazed and soon a tear rolled down before he pulled me into a hug, "I thought I'd never see you awake again."

I pulled away bitterly, biting on my lips to help them stop quiver, "Where's Taehyung?"

"Jisoo..." Hobi frowned, pain swimming in his eyes, "Taehyung's not here. You know that. He's not with us anym-"

"NO!" I pushed Hoseok away from me, "You're lying! He's here. I was with him! All this time! WHERE IS HE?"

Despite my harsh action, Hobi still held me in his arms, lovingly, "I'm sorry, sweetheart. It was all just a dream..."

"No... you're lying! Please... tell me where he is..." Tears burst out of my eyes as I clung onto Hobi's sweater, soaking them with tear stains, "This can't be true."

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