The Bodyguard

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CHAPTER TWOThe Bodyguard

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The Bodyguard

Choi Jisoo

"So... you're really not him?" I bit my lip and looked at him curiously.

He shook his head, holding the ice pack close to his cheek, "For the hundredth time! I'm not him!"

I chewed my lip and looked away. It hurt my heart. I thought that I finally got him back, but I'm sure my life was laughing at me right now.

"You'll have to leave." Taehyung stated, with no trace of emotion in his words.

"But I have no where to go... I told you everything. I told you the truth."

"That's honestly not my problem. But my real problem is you in my house."

If words could hurt physically, I'd probably be bleeding to death right now. Seeing such cold words leave his lips was unbearable even though he wasn't my Tae.


"If you don't leave, then I'll have no choice but to call the security. I've been patient AND also put up with your slap that could've potentially ruined my face and my career along with it!" Taehyung let out a quick breath, "So leave."

"Taehyung, I don't have any place to go to! I don't know anyone here!"

"Okay, that's it!" He stood up from the couch and walked to his intercom, "Time's up!"

"No, no, plea-"

Before I could stop him, he had already dialled up a number and was speaking through the mic, "There's a stalker in my house, please take her out-"

"Stalker!" I fumed, after everything I told him he still thought I was a stalker. This stuck-up bitch was gonna have it from me, "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A STALKER! I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH! I-"

Through my anger, I didn't realise when the main door opened and when a strong grip encircled my arms, "Ma'am, you'll have to leave, now."

"Taehyung, please! Please, please, please believe me. I am not a stalker, please just-" I cried out as I felt myself getting farther and farther away from him. My chest and throat swelled with pain when Taehyung stood still in his spot, with a smirk on his face.

I covered my face as tears rolled down my cheeks. This was it, this was the end for me. How was I supposed to live in this new world where I knew no one?

I was an orphan, again.

I had no family and no roof to live under... I missed Hobi, I missed my home.

"A-Are you o-okay, ma'am?" I peeked through my quivering fingers and noticed the man who had dragged me out of the house. Looking at his built, he seemed to be a bodyguard. He had wide shoulders and muscular limbs. His hair was jet black, swept to the side, exposing a portion of his forehead. No matter how fierce his physical appearance looked, his doe eyes held the innocence of a little boy.

"I'm okay and I'm sorry for causing trouble." Before he could reply, I turned around to exit the hallway. I couldn't live a life like this! I needed to find solution, but for the time being, I needed a place to stay.

I walked through the familiar hallways and got into the elevator.


"Hyung!" Jungkook barged in, causing commotion while I was trying to find some peace by sipping on green tea.

"What?" I asked, boredom evident in my tone. I rolled my eyes and let the hot tea touch my lips.

"That girl! Who was she? And how did she get in without the security noticing it?" The younger male stood before of me, looking down at me with wide eyes.

"I don't know who she is, and neither do I know how she got in here. That's your job to know as my bodyguard, Jungkook!" I tutted and shook my head in disappointment, "She's probably just some stalker gone cuckoo and talking about some alternate universe bullshit. Just another excuse to see this handsome face, I gues-"

"Wait, what?" Jungkook intercepted.

"What what? I do have a handsome face, admit it-"

"Not that, hyung!" He groaned, "What did you say before that?"

"First of all, stop fucking interrupting me! Second of all, yeah, she was talking about some alternate universe and that she came here through some blue portal. So delusional, I tell ya-"

"Be right back!" He rushed out of my apartment.


Choi Jisoo

When I got out of the building, a part of me was surprised to see that everything resembled my world, and a part of me kind of expected this. This world was just like mine.

I was walking down the block and saw a bunch of girls standing near the apartment, holding banners and hand-fans that had Taehyung's face on it.

I guess he really was famous.

I would've never guessed that Taehyung could ever be an actor. My Taehyung was so simple, down-to-earth and extremely disliked media attention even though he held a very important role in society.

"Hey, stop!"

I broke out of my thoughts when I felt a pull from behind me. My brows jumped a fraction when I recognised it to be the one who dragged me out of Taehyung's house.

I heard the group of girls usher to each other as I looked at the young, tall man before me, "Yes?"

Jungkook looked around, realising the fan girls that were present and obviously gossiping about us. He tutted and took my hand in his, "I need to talk to you, but not here."

I slowly pulled my hand away from his grasp, trying not to seem angry or disrespectful, "I'm sorry, but I don't know you."

Jungkook sighed and nodded in agreement, "Sorry. But... is it true?"

I frowned, "What?"

"You... you're from an alternate universe? A-are you really from... my world?"

Okay, so, many of you thought that Taehyung lost his mind, or went insane or was pranking Jisoo.

Well, no... that's not the case and I hope you understood the real reason now 🤡

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