The Confession

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The Confession


Once everyone dispersed, I tugged on Jungkook's sleeve. His eyes fell upon my hand and then followed to my face, puzzlement in his face.

"Can I talk you?"

"You're talking right now." He grinned to which I playfully rolled my eyes.

"You know what I mean." I narrowed my eyes at him.

He smiled as he nodded and we walked off to the side where no one could hear us.

"What is it, Noona?" Jungkook leaned against the railing of the balcony.

"First of all, this needs to stay between us."

The young man's eyebrows knitted, "I have a bad feeling about this. What are you up to?"

"Promise me first." I held out my palm to him. His gaze cut between my face and my palm before he sighed and placed his hand on mine.

"Fine, I promise." His shoulders sank in defeat, "Tell me now."

"I need you phone." I said, "I need to call Jin."

"Why?" His frown grew deeper with a tinge of suspicion and concern lacing his voice.

"So that he can help us get out of this mess."

"And how is he supposed to do that... no way." Jungkook's eyes grew wide, "Don't tell me that you're thinking what I hope you're not thinking!"

My silence sent him into a frenzy.

"ARE YOU-" he looked around in panic and lowered his voice, "Are you crazy? You can't tell the press about your disease. They'll blow it out of proportion. They won't let you live in peace."

"I can't live in peace knowing that I didn't even try to fix this problem, Jungkook." I sighed, "I want to help. All this is happening because of me. Because I was admitted to the hospital where Taehyung was caught smoking. Because I was the one who agreed to go on with this fake relationship scheme. All this is happening because I landed in a universe that wasn't even mine to begin with!"

"Noona... none of this is your f-"

"Don't say that." I cut him off, "Please...

"Noona..." his voice softened when he noticed my eyes that were starting to turn blurry, "Please don't do this. The journalists are a bunch of vultures that are gonna feed off of you for their hunger to rile things up. They won't stop until they've exhausted every absurb conspiracy about you. They'll call you things that you aren't. They'll think that the only reason you were with Hyung was because you needed financial aid."

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