Pack of Ramyeon

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Pack of Ramyeon


I didn't realise when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I woke up with a killer headache. I figured it was night time by the darkness that was engulfing my surroundings. I switched on the bed lamp and checked the clock.


My stomach rumbled like the clouds had crashed and I groaned. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked... simply horrid. My face was bloated like a puffer fish and my eyes were red and swollen. My nose resembled a tomato.

God, I look horrible.

I quietly made my way to the kitchen. I did bring a lot of snacks, so that wouldn't be a problem. Except, there was someone on the sofa. Someone that I didn't want to face right now.

"Hey..." he whispered and then his eyes grew big, "You look... bad."

"Gee, thanks, I wonder why." I muttered and walked into the kitchen.


I was startled when he suddenly appeared behind me, resulting in me hitting my back to the counter.

"N-nothing." He looked away, rubbing the back of his nape.

I sighed, what was I expecting? An apology?

I observed his cheek, it wasn't as red as before, but it looked slightly swollen. I bit my lip and walked over to the fridge. I prepared an ice pack and placed it on Taehyung's cheek, "Keep it still."

"I don't need it." he said and placed it on the countertop.

I rolled my eyes. Again, what was I expecting? For him to obey me? Like that was gonna happen.

"Whatever." I muttered and searched for snacks. Since I wasn't really in the mood to cook in the middle of the night, I pulled out a pack of cup noodles and turned on the kettle.

Taehyung hadn't moved an inch from his place. I let out a deep breath and leaned against the counter, "What is it? Can't I have a pack of ramyeon?"

"I'm hungry too."

"I'm sure you can help yourself. I'm not your mom after all. I'm just a fake girlfriend, aren't I?" I smiled, talking to him in a sickly sweet tone.

"You're gonna start another argument? Let me make this clear. We're in this situation all thanks to you. So you don't get to yell at me-"

"You think I wanted this?" I scoffed. This guy was unbelievable! "You sent me - no, you kicked me out of your house! I told you that I didn't belong to this world but you didn't believe me! If you would've just trusted me, we wouldn't have been here. I hate being stuck like this just as much as you do, and I understand that it must be hard for you to have a stranger parading around your house and pretending like you're dating them. But that doesn't give you the right to treat me like shit!"

I panted, I didn't think I'd say it all in one go but I did, and it felt good. It was as if a tonne of burden had been lifted off my chest.

"Fine, if you really are from a different universe and really close to the other Taehyung, then you must know something about me that no one else does, right?"

I turned around and walked away. I had no reason to prove myself anymore... it was too late for that.

"Answer me!" He groaned and ruffled his hair, "Aren't you gonna eat at least?"

"My hunger died."

Sleep wasn't so great and my headache had only gotten worse, if that was even possible in the first place. Yesterday was exhausting and I really didn't have it in me to face that prick again.

Tears began to blur my sight as I remembered Tae and how much I missed him. I hugged the pillow to my chest and let the tears flow. It had only been two weeks, but it felt like forever since he passed away.

I was truly lonely... and nothing was going to save me from this despair.

I broke out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door wondering why Taehyung would bother to call me. I was right. He wasn't bothered because he wasn't the one knocking.

My breath hitched when I saw none other than Jaehee looking at me with one brow up, "God, what happened to you? Did you get hit by a truck?"

"Worse." I opened it wider and let her in, "Did you need anything from me?"

"Yeah." Jaehee took a seat across me on the other accent chair, "You will be accompanying Taehyung to the agency's board meeting."

"Oh... and when is that?"

"Tomorrow, at 10."

"But... why..."

"The board members don't know about the fake relationship and Mr Bang wants to keep it that way, but some members are starting to nag him about this issue. So, we want to make your relationship official, starting with the board members." She stood up and walked over to the door while I followed her, "I don't know what happened between you and Taehyung, but fix it before one of you screw up at the meeting tomorrow."

She left me stunned. This woman strictly meant business and business only. Nothing else. I admired her for it, but she was also straightforward to the point where it could leave a sting in one's heart.

Is everyone like this over here?

I closed the door and sighed.

I now had the responsibility to make the board members believe in our fake relationship. Being the daughter of a businessman, I knew how some board members could be. Manipulative, secretive, untrustworthy and extremely sharp and cunning. Since Taehyung was an actor, I was the one who had to put in the extra effort to make our fake relationship believable.

I just didn't want to screw this up and cause more problems for everyone.

Naming chapters can sometimes be a pain in the ass!🤡

Lol, I fell asleep before I could publish it... Just a filler chapter for now, hope you enjoyed it!!!

Until thursday, my friends!!💜

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