Chapter 1

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The sun was high up above the clouds and the ocean clashed against the rocks on the shore. In a grassy, green and overgrown forest, were nindroids.

They stood with weapons in hand, on the lookout for anything. But hidden deep withing the flowers and leaves, ninja.

Two young men, one with a forest green gi that blended in perfectly with the tall grass. He held little pieces of golden armor. He swiftly ran to the right and quickly waved his hand at the trees.

In the trees, the second ninja with a sage green gi and silver armor that made it almost impossible to see him in the coverage of the trees. The ninja saw his comrade's signal and began to move.

All of the sudden, a nindroids got swept off his feet and from his position. Not long after, two got hit by something up high. Two more got kicked away and shurikens were thrown.

As the final two standing nindroids were knocked down, standing in plain sight, was two ninjas. The green ninja held his head up high as his bright blonde hair gently swayed. Lloyd, the ninja who stood looked to his left.

There was Morro, the ninja who had long black hair and a single streak of green. He turned to Lloyd, his brother, as a slight breeze blew his hair out of his eyes.

The two ninja nodded for the all clear and continued their path.

And now, the story, a new chapter of a journey began.

Lloyd and Morro found themselves in a cave with red glowing lasers blocking their path. Thankfully, they were ninja, and could maneuver swiftly around them all.

As they got to the other side, the lasers shut down and more nindroids attacked. Lasers were shot but the ninja dodged with ease. In Lloyd's hand, a bright green light started to charge up. Lloyd trusted his hand forwards and the energy flew towards the nindroids.

Morro grabbed something from his belt. A small metal cylinder rest in his palm. Morro's thumb clicked the top and it sprung open to reveal a staff. Morro twirled the staff and slashed it in front of him, making a strong gust of wind cut it's way towards the nindroids.

"Ninja-go!!" The two shouted as they twirled around, making small coloured tornadoes. Their spinjitzu helped them defeat the rest of the nindroids.

The grounds shook and Lloyd looked behind him and saw a large boulder rolling towards them.
"Go!" Morro yelled. Lloyd ran ahead and grabbed a rope from the ground. He tied it around his waist and jumped down a small hole.

Morro started behind, pushing all the wind he could at the boulder, trying to make it turn into a different cavern.

Lloyd dropped down, being held at the waist. In front of him, a podium with armor, powerful armor. Lloyd swing to reach it, but to his efforts, the armor was only a hologram and it faded away.

Lloyd slumped his body as he untied himself. Morro junoed down the hole, catching his fall with wind.
"How close this time?" Morro asked pulling his mask down.
"Just at it." Lloyd replied.

"You got closer than I thought you would. But then again, I didn't think you'd be quite so rough on my security droids." Cyrus Borg, a genius inventor rolled up in his wheel chair.

He dressed in a gray suit with a black turtle neck underneath. He had one black glove over his right hand.

"If the two of us together can't steal the Golden Armor, I'd be surprised if anyone else could." Lloyd said It's secure, but where is the real one?" He asked.

"Some secrets are best kept safe." Borg answered as Lloyd pushed him along.

"Morro, Lloyd."

The ninja turned around at the call of their names. Sensei Wu, a mentor to the ninja and father to Morro started.
"Where are the other Ninja? I asked for all of you to take part in this test." Wu asked. Wu had a white kimono with a a black belt and a straw hat to add. He had a long white bearded and a wise looking face. He walked with a bamboo staff.

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