Chapter Thirty Eight: Belegarnes

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"Do not blame yourself Melleth nin, that creature was far too gone for redemption." - Thranduil

27th June/Nórui, 3018, Thorwen's Chamber.

Cool, refreshing water moistened Thorwen's parched lips, easing her arid throat. Despite her clouded sight. From the heavenly scents and familiar voices, she knew that she was safe within the Elven Halls again. Her hands still gripped the pummels of her blades, fearing that to let go would pull her back into darkness.

The pain of the wounds still racked her body. But as her eyes came into focus, Thorwen could at last make out the faces of those tending to her. Celephinniel smiled through happy tears and Thranduil with a goblet in his hands and a relieved smile. "Melleth nin, you are awake at last."

All at once Thorwen tensed, the memory of what had taken place in the Enclave returning to her mind. "The others, did they get away? Calenamath, he was hurt. I could not let them....."

"Hush Thorwen, they are all safe. Calenamath too. He is out looking for ..... that creature."

Thorwen grew anxious as a wave of pain went through her. "Gollum deceived me. I really believed he could change."

"Do not blame yourself Melleth nin, that creature was far too gone for redemption." Thranduil gently stroked Thorwen's face. You must concern yourself with your own recovery. Legolas has gone to Rhosgobel looking for Radagast as we speak. He will bring him to us. All has been taken care of."

Thorwen tried to lift herself, but the pain of her wounds prevented her from doing so. Celephinniel propped her up with more cushions. "It will take time for your body to fully heal, Thorwen."

Thranduil took her hand and gently squeezed it. His voice was soft but sombre. "Thorwen, there is something I must tell you. The blade Nuta cut you with was enchanted with the Dark lord's malice. You nearly died from the fever, but the Athelas saved you and the blade we have put beyond use. The pain will go in time, however, we could not prevent the scarring. I am sorry."

Thorwen wept as his words sunk in. "I am mutilated, no longer whole," she cried.

"You are whole enough for me, Melleth Nin. Those scars will never diminish my love for you. Curunir, the White Wizard, shall pay for what he has done!"

Thorwen became agitated again."Radagast must be warned, as must Mithrandir and my father! Curunir said he was expecting a visitor to Isengard. What if he deceives or turns them to Sauron's side? Both he and Nuta wanted to know who helped me escape. But I would not give Calenamath away. He even tried to search my mind, but I repelled him. So he left me at the mercy of Nuta."

"And yet you resisted him. Perhaps Curunir is not as powerful as he thinks he is. As for the Priestess, mercy is something she is neither capable of nor deserves." Thranduil asked Celephinniel to bring broth and insisted on helping Thorwen to take it.

Thorwen then noticed her wrist. "My bracelet is gone, yours too, and your hands. What did you do to them to get such marks?"

Thranduil smiled. "Do you think we have need of those trinkets now? And do not concern yourself with these scratches. They will fade in time."

"They look like more than scratches to me."

"My wounds are nothing compared to yours, Thorwen."

Another wave of pain came over her, but she gripped Thranduil's hand tightly and breathed through it. "You should rest now, Melleth nin. I shall be with you when you wake. I will not leave your side until you are back on your feet." He called for Celephinniel to bring some deep sleep, then assisted Thorwen in taking it. "May you sleep painlessly, Melleth nin," and kissed her gently.

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