Chapter Thirty Two: Gollum

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"What about your duties to me? You promised the Grey Wizard you would look after me. But you left me all alone!" - Gollum.

A year passed and there were no further threats to the realm, but Thranduil, Thorwen and the Wood Elves were ever mindful that this was only the calm before the storm. As per Calenamath's instructions, Thranduil set a watch on the hill above the Elven Halls. But no sign from him had yet come. Legolas patrolled the borders even more thoroughly than before and passed information he had learned from their allies, the Beornings, to his father.

Thorwen made progress in rehabilitating Gollum. Encouraging him to try apples and to walk in the twilight part of the day. During his walks, he had a favourite oak tree he would climb that became known as Doron Gollum or Gollum's Oak. But as the King's Betrothed, her responsibilities to Thranduil and the realm took precedence, and her visits to the creature became less frequent.

20th June/Nórui, 3018, The Woodland Realm.

Summer arrived in all its splendour and Thorwen sat by the shallows of the Forest River. She was wearing only her linen undershift and dangling her feet in the cooling water. Her dark brown hair flowed long and loose as Merenthel wove flowers into it. Faelnith placed a garland of forest flowers upon her head. A few Elflings who were playing in the water splashed them playfully. Thorwen splashed them in return. Then, to her ladies' surprise, she slipped into the water and joined in their game.

Thranduil sat under his Pavillion, his eyes playfully following her as he sipped his wine. He downed his goblet, stood up, and strode to the riverbank. "What do we have here, Thorwen Hiril Nin, less eagle, more drowned maiden, I see?"

Thorwen turned from the Elflings and stood in the water, smiling up at him. The garland of flowers was as drenched as her undershift, which clung to her womanly curves. "Tis a hot day, Hir Aran Nin. I was merely cooling off."

Thranduil's bright blue eyes burned as he appraised her figure. "It Is indeed hot, even for this time of year and the sun is not yet at its peak."

Thorwen could see the soft blush upon his cheeks. She knew what he desired. But they would have to wait another year, at least before they could be as one. And even when Thorwen was of age for a Dunadan to wed, they had promised Lord Elrond to wait until Arwen was Aragorn's queen.

Thorwen beckoned Thranduil into the water with a mischievous grin. "You should join us, Melleth nin. The water is cool and refreshing."

Thranduil frowned, but his eyes revealed his yearning. "Alas, Melleth Nin, it has been centuries since I have ventured into those waters. It would not be seemly for the King to be frolicking about in the river."

Thorwen glided towards the bank like a water nymph. Entrancing him with her silvery gaze. "Well, if Hir Aran Nin cannot enter the water, then perhaps the water will have to come to Hir Aran Nin," and splashed water upon his robes. Surrendering to her spell, he dispensed with his outer robes tossing them to the ground. Once Thranduil was down to his undershift, Thorwen pulled him into the water and to her waiting lips. Then they both rejoined the Elfling water combat until both were drenched through.

Suddenly, Thorwen lost her footing, slipping into deeper water where the current was stronger. But Thranduil swiftly pulled her into his embrace and, after Thorwen had recovered herself, they enjoyed the moment's bliss. Thorwen had never been so close to Thranduil's body before and a strange heat of desire grew within her. She could also feel the same heat radiating from him. Their wet linen shifts, the only protection from each other's yearnings.

Thranduil grinned back at her. "Such thoughts are perfectly natural, Thorwen."

She shuddered for a moment, remembering how Sauron had attempted to force himself on her in the unseen.

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