Chapter Thirty Nine: Imladris

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"I cannot say more, but my heart tells me you will learn the truth of things in time. And not from my lips." - Elrond

20th October/Narbeleth 3018, The House of Elrond, Rivendell.

Summer had given way to autumn and the trees around Rivendell had turned golden, their leaves gently falling to the ground. A weary Aragorn looked on as Gandalf consoled the three worried hobbits after Elrond and his healers had carried off their friend. He had completed his task and got Bilbo's nephew to the safety of Rivendell. But the journey had been long and dangerous, and Frodo had suffered grievous wounds.

"Frodo is in a very poor condition, but rest assured, Lord Elrond will do all he can for him. Now I suggest you all get some rest whilst I speak with Aragorn, even you, Sam," said Gandalf. The weary hobbits muttered in agreement and the Elves showed them the way to their rooms.

Aragorn gave Gandalf a warm embrace. He noticed his friend's demeanour was a little more sombre than usual. But put it down to the wizard's concern for Frodo. "It is good to see you, old friend. We feared something ill had befallen you."

Gandalf cast his eyes down and frowned, as if remembering something unpleasant. "It did......... but we will speak of that later. Now there is more pressing news to discuss. Arwen and I would speak with you in the Solar. Prince Legolas is here with news from Mirkwood."

Aragorn frowned. "Does he bring news of Anberenien?"

Gandalf stroked his beard. "Yes....... amongst other things. Aragorn, something has happened, something terrible."

Aragorn looked into the wizard's sad eyes. Then turned from him and ran up the steps to the house of Elrond. His mind racing with many dreadful thoughts. At the Solar's entrance, he took a deep breath, then burst in. "What has happened to Anberenien?"

Gandalf followed him, huffing and puffing as he entered. "I am sorry he was too fast for me."

Arwen ushered Aragorn to the chair beside her. She looked pale and anxious. "You should sit down, Mime Melda."

Aragorn looked at all the concerned faces in the room and feared the worst. Though all the dangers he had faced, the thought that at least Anberenien was safe and happy in the Woodland Realm had been of comfort to him. "Gandalf said something has happened to Anberenien. Please tell me she is not dead."

Legolas smiled nervously. "Fear not, Aragorn. Thorwen is very much alive." He explained as best he could what had taken place at midyear. The Orc attack, Thorwen's abduction and torture.

Aragorn covered his face in his hands. The cuts inflicted on Thorwen had all the hallmarks of the Dark Lord himself. "How was Athelas found in the Woodland realm? No Dunedain save Anberenien has ever lived in the Woodland Realm."

"That was a great miracle indeed. I found it growing a top of young Rodon's grave."

"Then he has saved my sister more than once. I am most grateful to your father and his people for all they have done for Anberenien. I dread to think what would have happened if the temple had taken her to Dol Guldur."

"The plan was not to take her to Dol Guldur. There is more to tell of what took place. But I am afraid now is not the time to speak of this," said Gandalf.

"I must go and see Anberenien right away. My mind cannot fully be at ease until I have seen her with my own eyes," replied Aragorn.

But Gandalf shook his head. "I would ask you to wait a little longer. Many of the free peoples have arrived here seeking guidance from Lord Elrond, so he has decided to hold a council once Frodo's fate is known. You will need to attend, then you will be free to visit Anberenien."

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