Chapter Nineteen: Time Never Waits

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"You never said I could not use my Will." -Thorwen

Seasons came and went, and Thorwen passed from adolescence to the cusp of womanhood. During that time, she grew to love her new home and its people. They, in turn, loved her. At the age of sixteen, Thranduil returned Thorwen's ancestral blades and upon them, she swore herself to his service. She was given a place among the scouts of Legolas's company which patrolled the borders of the woodland realm. Outwardly, she looked no different to any other Dúnadan her age. But she spoke and moved like the Wood Elves, which was an advantage when the company came into contact with the Beornings or Woodmen. For Thorwen would raise her hood and none would know she was anything other than an Elf.

Elrond and the Elves of Rivendell wrote to her frequently and sent many gifts. And she rode often on Calithiel to hidden places in the forest where she would meet with her beloved brother in secret. But the threat of enemies was never far away, for Saruman had seen what Thorwen had done to the Orcs he had sent. He continued to use the Palantir to spy on her as he waited for another opportunity but never revealed to Sauron where Thorwen resided.

20th March/ Gwaeron 3016, The training ground, Woodland Realm, Mirkwood

Calenamath watched as Thorwen sparred with Bregwen, the Captain of the Hurscarls. He sniggered as she knocked Thorwen to the ground again. Thorwen lifted her head and spat out the dirt in her mouth. She got to her knees and took a breath. Bregwen extended a hand towards her. "You must have been brushing up on your dancing lessons, Dilthen Dúnadan. You almost had me then."

Thorwen smiled and clasped it as she got to her feet. "There is always a next time. Perhaps I will even best you."

"You are welcome to try, Hiril nín." They resumed sparring, but Bregwen was suddenly caught off guard, allowing Thorwen to gain the advantage.

Bregwen got to her feet. "Was that a tremor I detected, Hiril nín?"

Thorwen grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "You never said I could not use my Will."

"That is fair, Dilthen Dúnadan. We all have unique skills that will aid us against the enemy." The two of them shook hands and embraced.

Calenamath clapped slowly. "Well done, Thorwen. I think that will be enough for today. Celephinniel says you need to change for a recital in the Royal Gardens."

Thorwen rolled her eyes. "Can I not stay here and train rather than endure another dull recital?"

"If it were up to me, I would agree. However, Celephinniel insists you are present and I would not keep her waiting."

Thorwen handed her practice sticks to Bregwen, quickly picked up her things and set off toward the halls. "I had better make haste then," she called back. Calenamath gazed fondly as Thorwen ran off into the distance. Her waist-length braid entranced him as it swished behind her. Under his and Celephinniel's guidance, she had grown from a sullen child into a beautiful and elegant young woman. He could not be more proud of her.


"You are going to be late, Hiril Nin. Lady Celephinniel is already waiting for you in the Gardens," said Golviel as she helped Thorwen change.

Thorwen winced as Golviel pulled a little too tight on the strings of her bodies."Ouch! where is Eressil? She is never too tight."

Golviel blushed and nervously loosened the strings. "My apologies, Hiril Nin. Eressil is on an urgent errand. Shall I re-braid your hair?"

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