Chapter Twenty: Secrets

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"We are born of just one thought, the very mirror of each other." - Thorwen

 20th May/ Lothron 3016, The Orchards, Woodland Realm, Mirkwood

The Apple Orchard was now in full bloom and Celephinniel had brought Thorwen to practice dancing. As the musicians set up their instruments, Thorwen dreamily wandered along the rows of trees. Suddenly a brown hare hopped in front of her, stopping Thorwen in her tracks. "Radagast! What are you doing so close to the halls?" 

The hare hopped away, looking behind as if wishing her to follow. Thorwen looked about her and on seeing that Celephinniel was engaged in a conversation with a musician, she slipped away from the orchard. When Thorwen was out of sight, she called out to her brother and Radagast appeared from the undergrowth. His face was full of concern.

"I have news, Sweet Sister. News that cannot wait. There are Orcs amassing on your Western borders. They were speaking with strange men in black cloaks. They are planning to ambush some migrating Elves who are travelling through your lands."

"The Dorwinions? No!" cried Thorwen in alarm.

Radagast clasped her hands. "You must inform the King before they cross the Western border."

"We must go together, Beloved Brother."

It is impossible for me. I am afraid to go below the ground. I prefer to be out in the open."

"Then I will ask him to meet you out here!"

"There will not be enough time for that, Thorwen!" Calenamath's soft but firm voice came from behind her.

Thorwen's face grew pale as she turned to see him sitting in a nearby tree, smirking. "How long..?"

Calenamath jumped down and approached them. "I have been watching the two of you for quite some time. They do not call me the king's eyes and ears for nothing."

"The King knows too then."

Calenamath looked hurt, he placed his hands on Thorwen's shoulders. "I do not tell my brother everything. But I do wish you could have confided in me. I thought you trusted me."

Thorwen hung her head. She knew that he was right. Calenamath had saved her life when she entered the Woodland realm and had been both patient and kind as she adapted to her new life. "My apologies. I did not mean to keep it from you. But Radagast is wary of Men and Elves."

Calenamath chuckled. "I can see that. We shall return to the orchard and I shall summon one of my captains to take his company to catch up with the Dorwinions. They shall escort them as far as Beorn's Halls where they can buy themselves a rather expensive Beorning escort to Imladris."

Thorwen's face brightened, and she turned to reassure Radagast, but he was nowhere to be seen. Calenamath indicated that they should return to the Orchard, and Thorwen fell in beside him."I am afraid your brother got skittish and 'hopped' away." 

"You have my gratitude for not telling the king. I shall be forever in your debt."

Calenamath smiled as he put his arm around her shoulder. "That is a long time to be in my debt, Dilthen Dunadan. I think I shall be content to be your dancing partner. Celephinniel says you have been practising with Golviel long enough. As for telling the King, I think that must come from you and soon. Will you promise me you will tell him? You should not have kept it secret."

Thorwen nodded. "I suppose he would have discovered my secret in the end. But it was nice to have something of my own for a time."

"But Thorwen, Radagast is your own. He is your eternal brother. Though I did not know the Maiar have kinfolk."

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