Chapter Twenty Four: The Unseen

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"I did not dare to hope."

Trigger warning: Some readers might find parts of this chapter disturbing!

30th August/Urui, 3016, The Unseen Realm.

Almárie felt the soft, wet grass under her bare feet as she walked through the dreamy forest. She looked up and smiled at the familiar starlit sky. It felt good to be home. The forest turned into a vast, burning wasteland, with dark clouds blocking the sky above. Sauron appeared in front of her in all his horrific glory. Almárie tried to turn and run, but her feet were stuck fast. She turned her face from him as he grabbed hold of her. And could feel his hot breath upon her neck. "Not even a kiss for your betrothed? You knew I would find you eventually. Or did you think I would simply forget about you, my Almárie?"

"I am not your Almárie!"

Sauron held her chin and forced her to look at his hideous face. "You soon will be. Now let me taste those lips!" He tried to force his kiss upon her, but Almarie sent him hurtling across the wasteland."

Sauron wiped the dirt from his mouth and got to his feet. His leering face broke out into sinister laughter. "There is nothing more attractive than a reluctant bride." All at once, he was on to her again. One hand clasped around Almárie's throat. "If I throttle the life from you in the unseen. They will find your lifeless corpse in the morning, with not a mark upon it."

"Do it then, if it pleases you. I will never yield!"

He released her. "No, that feeble body of yours has something I need to restore myself fully. When your fea bonded with the seed of your mortal father, your blood became unique. So unique that it can restore me to what I was..... once I have my ring."

Almárie was not intimidated and stood defiantly, willing her feet to free themselves. "I thought you intended to Wed me, not drain my blood!"

Sauron let out a malicious chuckle. "Oh, I shall do far more to you than that. I only need a little of it at a time." Again he pulled her to him, his foul lips almost on hers, his voice a faint whisper. "You are so pure and innocent. I will certainly enjoy taking my pleasure of you. I shall make you Empress of all Arda. And in return for my grace, you will bear me powerful sons that will dominate and subdue the world." Almárie tried to pull away again, but this time Sauron held her fast. She could feel his lustful energy. "Perhaps I should give you a taste of what is to come."

"You will not find me easy prey, Sauron!"

"My name is MIARON!!!" His voice echoed through the wasteland.

Almárie struggled and tried to free herself from his grip, but knew any resistance would deplete her will. She felt the hot, hard ground on her back as he pinned her down. His flaming eyes bored into her like hot iron spikes and his laughter was maniacal. "No point in resisting. You will enjoy it in the end!"

Suddenly there was a flash of pale blonde hair as two strong, slender arms pulled a shocked Sauron off her. Almárie sat up as she recovered. To her amazement, she could see the Dark Lord crouching on the ground, seemingly cowering as a tall blonde Elf stood over him. His sword at the ready. "King Thranduil!" she whispered. Shocked by his presence.

Almárie knew Sauron was only feigning, and the king was in mortal danger. "Do not engage with him! If he slays you here, there is no return!" Sauron quickly rose, and stood before him, a sinister smile on his face. Thranduil recoiled at his hideous form. Heeding Almárie's words, he moved towards her, maintaining a defensive stance towards the Dark Lord. Now back on her feet, Almarie used her remaining Will to break open the ground. She created a deep chasm to prevent Sauron from reaching them. Then sank to her knees.

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