Chapter Thirty Seven: Athelas

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"Tell me, what would you have me do? How may I best protect her?" - Thranduil

24th June/Nórui, 3018, The Tower of Orthanc, Isengard.

Nuta stared out of the window of Saruman's study, her arms tightly folded. She looked down, admiring all the blossoming fruit trees and gardens below her. Their floral scents floated into the room. She would be quite happy to rest here a while before presenting the Gift to the Great Master. By then the girl would know her place, Nuta would see to that. As soon as she heard the whoosh of the portal returning, she closed the window triumphantly. But her face dropped when she realised Saruman and his two Uruk-Hai stood before her without the device.

"Where is the Gift?" she demanded.

Saruman dismissed the Uruk-Hai before replying. In his hands were broken pieces of coloured crystal, which he let fall to the floor. "Gone!"

Nuta's eyes narrowed. "You told me there was no way she could have escaped. That you needed only a day's wait to return for her!"

"The Gift did not escape the device. Someone destroyed it and released her!"

Nuta's face was now as red as a beetroot and she unleashed a furious tirade on the wizard. "You said that was impossible! Your enchantments were impenetrable! How could those bearmen break open the casket?"

Saruman remained impassive. "It was not the Beornings, woman. The remains of the lid had traces of Elf blood on the shards."

"Then what are we waiting for? The Elves cannot have returned to their Halls yet. With the portal, we could ambush them with an army of our own. Then we could take her back. She will still be weak. We could kill the Elven king. Then the Wood Elves would be chastened."

"And my fellow wizards will discover my true nature before I have had time to reason with them. No Nuta, it is too early for that and I have a guest due to arrive at any moment. Therefore, you need to be gone." His bright eyes flashed in the candle-lit study, and he loomed over Nuta with a sinister smile.

Nuta looked up at him defiantly. If he was going to kill her, she would not show fear. "The great master would not be pleased to lose a high priestess."

Saruman laughed heartily. "Oh, Nuta, I have no intention of taking your life. You may well be of use to me in time. However, your presence here is inconvenient for my current purposes. You should meet with your surviving companions at Dol Guldur."

Nuta breathed a sigh of relief. "How long will it be before you form the portal?"

But Saruman shook his head. "You must travel the old-fashioned way, High Priestess. If you make your way down to the entrance, you will find a good horse laden with the finest provisions that should last upon your journey, together with a couple of my Orc men who will ensure your safe arrival at the fortress. I must remain here and gather strength. I sent a message to one of my order and I do not think it will be long before his arrival. By then I need you gone!"

Nuta drew herself up to her full height. "Are you not concerned I will expose your failure to the Great Master?"

Saruman chuckled slightly. "If I thought you would do that. I would have had my Uruk-Hai escort you down to where my female prisoners are kept. Until my Orc men have need of them."

Nuta turned pale as she realised what he was implying. And after giving him a curt farewell, she quickly left the study and scurried down the black stone steps before Saruman changed his mind.


26th June/Nórui, 3018, The Elven Halls, Woodland Realm.

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