Chapter Thirty Six: The Device

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"Greenleaves, Greenleaves, Greenleaves," - Thorwen

23rd June/Nórui, 3018, The Enclave of the Temple of Morgoth, The Emyn Duir.

Trigger warning: please note this chapter contains scenes of torture.

The ringing in Thorwen's ears subsided, and her vision grew clearer. The last thing she could remember was the force of Saruman's Will hitting her in the chest. It had sent her flying through the air until she hit stone and blacked out. Thorwen's head and chest ached. She tried to move, but realized that she was strapped to an angled board. The only light in the narrow stuffy cave room was a lamp on a chain above her.

Her attention then drifted to the voices in heated discussion nearby. Nuta was standing at another table, examining a variety of instruments and bottles on it.

Saruman stood beside her. "We should leave now, High Priestess. The Elves will soon overrun this place. There will be time for interrogation when we get to Orthanc!"

"One of my priests is a traitor! I am determined to find out who collaborated with the Elves, so that I can ensure they are sent to the House of Lamentation! The Great Master will not let this go unpunished!"

"What if the Elves get here first? You have taken their king's betrothed and with those, you offered to Melkor to create your shadow cloaks. Do not expect they will take you alive."

Nuta examined a small golden knife that she tucked into her robes, then picked up one of the bottles. "I am not afraid of the Elves. They are little more than woodland frolickers. I will slit her throat before they dare to lay a hand on me."

"And you will not lay a hand on her! Unless I permit it."

Nuta looked startled by Saruman's reply. But then focused her attention back on Thorwen. "She is coming round. I will give her this before her strength returns."

"I hope that is not poppy syrup, High Priestess," Saruman warned.

"It is not, White Wizard! I will need her mind clear for the interrogation." Nuta then opened the small bottle and held Thorwen's nose until she was forced to open her mouth. She then poured a foul tasting fluid down Thorwen's throat.

Thorwen coughed and sputtered, then her head spun and her arms and legs became heavy. "What have you done to me?" she whispered.

Saruman joined Nuta's side, looming over Thorwen with a look of pity and disdain. "Before we can leave for Isengard, you must answer a few questions."

Thorwen looked back at him defiantly. "I have nothing to say."

"Someone helped you to escape your cell. You will give me their name," said Nuta.

Thorwen remained silent.

Saruman then spied Thorwen's glowing bracelet. "Elven Magic. I had better remove this. It will draw them to our location." He took hold of Thorwen's limp wrist, muttering words under his breath. But as soon as he touched the bracelet, he cried out and recoiled in both shock and pain.

Thorwen gave him a satisfied smirk. There was now as much of her own Will in the bracelet as there was Thranduil's and she could also sense that there was something was different about Saruman.

"Almárie, listen carefully! Nuta and I both possess training in the arts of persuasion. Between us, you will be compelled to reveal the name of the traitor."

"The only traitor I know of is the one standing over me. But I am unsure of the colour of your robes, Curumo!" Saruman's eyes grew narrow, and Thorwen knew she had unnerved him.

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