Chapter Eight: The Last Journey

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"I wish I could remember all that we know, but we cannot do what we must do if we know too much." - Gandalf

10th August/Urui T.A 3004 Rivendell

That afternoon, Elrond summoned Rodon to his study. He and Aragorn gently questioned him about what had happened during the Orc attack on Duincar. "You have been a brave lad, Rodon. Your parents would be proud of you. One day you shall be a fine Ranger just like your father," said Aragorn.

"I hope so, my Lord Chieftain. Then I can avenge my parents. Halbarad said my father died protecting my mother."

"Aye Lad, we shall bury them together."

Rodon sniffed and wiped a couple of tears from his eyes.

"How are you fairing with the Master of stables Rodon? He speaks highly of you," asked Elrond.

"He is very kind, as are all the grooms. He says I don't need to help yet, but I like to be with the horses. They comfort me."

Elrond thanked Rodon and sent him back to the stables. Whilst he and Aragorn discussed everything the boy had told them. Elrond paced about the study. "There can be no mistaking it now. Abducting Anberenien was clearly the temple's objective and the Dark Lord has placed a king's bounty on her head."

Aragorn shook his head in disbelief. "But why so high a bounty? Anberenien is just a little girl."

"A little girl with a claim on the Gondorian throne. An innocent child is far easier to corrupt and control than a grown man. If Sauron had her, all he would need to do is kill you and he would have a puppet queen under his control."

"And my people would fall into darkness." The reality of the situation weighed heavily upon Aragorn. "What should I do?" With such a bounty, I fear that if I were to send her to Gondor or Dol Amroth, Anberenien would not only be at risk herself, but also a risk to any foster family."

"Alas, it is not for me to advise you. But perhaps it would be wise for you to distance yourself from her. To protect you both."

"How can I? I swore to Beren I would raise her! No, perhaps it is time I went to Minas Tirith and claimed my throne. We would at least be safe in the fortified city."

"And take Anberenien across Middle Earth to Gondor? The last two heirs of Elendil? The sheer number of guards needed to accompany you would arouse the suspicions of our enemies, not to mention Sauron himself. Even if you were to make it to Gondor unscathed, there will be Denethor to face."

Aragorn unsheathed Narsil, placing the two halves together on the table. "Alas, Mother was right. I should never have made an oath upon these shards. She told me no good ever came of an oath made upon a broken sword. Now my family is broken too!"

Elrond laid his hand upon Aragorn's shoulder. "Part of fatherhood is doing what is in your child's best interests. Even if it breaks your heart."

Aragorn sat silently, pondering Elrond's words. He knew Elrond was thinking of Arwen and the sacrifice she was prepared to make to be with him. Perhaps he should send Anberenien to her. She would be safe with Arwen in Lothlórien if Celeborn and Galadriel granted her entry. But even then, the journey would be perilous, especially for a young child."Surely there is some counsel you might offer me?"

"You swore to Beren to keep Anberenien safe. He would understand if you had to pass her guardianship to another. I would be more than happy to raise Anberenien as my own as I did you. Let her be a sister to you. She would still be your heir, and I could bring her to you with Arwen once you were crowned. Then you would still be honouring your oath to Beren."

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