Chapter Three: The Birthday Gathering

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"What are you doing alone child? You ought not to be away from your parents, these are dangerous times." - Gilraen.

1st August/ Urui, T.A 3004 Duincar

The next morning, the village was a hive of activity as many prepared to visit the travelling market on the Great East Road. Anberenien wolfed down her porridge, grabbed a couple of apples from the fruit bowl and went outside. Sitting on the bench by the door, she munched her apple and watched her grandmother performing her morning blade drills. Gruinith had been one of the last female rangers before the old Chieftain decided women could no longer be spared for the wilds. That is what she had told Anberenien.

But every morning she still trained and drilled with her weapons, almost as if she expected an Orc attack at any moment. They were two blades that were neither long nor short, which she wore on her belt at all times. They were family heirlooms that would be passed to Anberenien one day. But for now, she had to learn to use them by training with her sticks. "Good morning, Grandmother," she called.

Gruinith turned towards Anberenien with a frown. "And where's my apple, Little Sparrow?"

Anberenien grinned as she threw the remaining apple. Gruinith caught it nimbly and took a bite, giving her granddaughter a smirk. "Are you looking forward to the market?"

"Yes Grandmother, I am very excited. I have always wanted to see the big wide world."

Gruinith chuckled. "We are only going as far as the Great East Road, not travelling over the Misty Mountains."

Anberenien heard her father's voice calling for her. She turned to see him exiting the Great Hall with his arm around her mother. "Pappa! Pappa! You are here!" Anberenien jumped up and ran over to him.

Beren dropped to his knees and held out his arms as she ran into his embrace. He then picked her up and swung her around. "Happy Birthday, Little Sparrow. I have missed you so much." He placed her back on the ground again and turned to Naerien. "She has grown again. I fear that by the next time I come home, she will have grown up." Rodon brought the horses out, then helped his father to couple one to a nearby cart that was loaded with goods for trade.

Gruinith helped Anberenien on board, then took up the reins. She waited until Beren and Naerien had mounted their horses before commanding the horse to canter. They rode the short distance through the woods to the Great East Road Market. Where a collection of ramshackle carts with stalls in front of them from which the traders sold their wares. Beren spied a horse trader and headed off in that direction. While Gruinith went to a nearby Dwarven blacksmith.

The Dwarves were a lot shorter than men, but a lot sturdier with very long beards. Anberenien had not seen many men with beards before and certainly, no one in her family grew one. Her father had told her it was because men with Elven blood do not grow beards and that was how you could tell. When she had asked why, he had simply told her that that was how it was.

At first, Anberenien remained beside her mother as she traded goods and met with friends. But soon grew bored with their talk of refugees, spies and money. Entranced by the unusual sights, sounds and smells of the various stalls and traders. She had never seen so many strange and interesting people and things in her life. Each unfamiliar sight drew Anberenien further away from her family, who were so busy, they had not noticed she was gone. Suddenly, Anberenien noticed a woman watching her from the far end of the Market. The woman was wearing a hooded black cloak, which was strange as it was a hot day. She was very beautiful and exotic looking with soft bronze skin, long dark hair and dark eyes.

Curious, Anberenien smiled at the woman, who smiled back and beckoned to her to approach. Cautiously, she drew nearer. "Hello sweeting, aren't you a dear little thing? Are you lost?" the woman asked. She spoke in an accent Anberenien had never heard before.

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