Chapter 17 - Broomsticks Brew

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The weekend went by in a blur and Monday had rolled around again. I'd spent most of the weekend with Fred, George, Ginny and Ron, visiting Hogsmeade, watching their quidditch practice and enjoying every meal together.

I hadn't seen Daphne since our disagreement on Friday morning. She'd left a note to say she'd gone home with Astoria for the weekend again and that we could talk when she was back. Though I felt anxious about having to make amends, I'd still been able to have a lovely weekend and I was thankful to have my friends to distract me.

Me and Fred had been given no chances to be alone together over the weekend, with his siblings around all the time but even before we shared our kiss this summer, he had always been flirtatious with me no matter the circumstance. I secretly gushed over him whenever he wasn't looking, especially when he was joking with his brothers or helping Ginny with something. Everything he did seemed perfect to me and I couldn't stop replaying the events of Friday night in my head.

Herbology was Monday's first lesson. I regreted choosing it as one of my subjects this year as it was painfully boring and it was the one class I couldn't quite wrap my head around, where as I was excelling in everything else.

I left class in a daze, having spent most of the lesson tuning out Professor Sprout and daydreaming about being in Fred's bed again. Me and Ron were partnered up for this class and I could tell he was growing tired of my thoughts being elsewhere rather than working on our shared project. I almost thought it was still imaging things when I saw Fred waiting for me outside of the classroom.

"For goodness sake, right see you later" Ron mumbled, rolling his eyes as I greeted Fred.

"Oh come on little brother, it's only me" Fred jeered, and he wrapped his arms around me. He gently slid his hand down and squeezed my bum, earning a high pitched yelp from me.

"At least wait until I'm gone!" Ron groaned in disgust and wandered off to his next lesson.

"What are you doing waiting out here?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I had a gap in my lessons, I thought I'd come and say hello" he grinned down at me, "shall I walk you to your next lesson?" I nodded and lead the way to Muggle Studies.

"So I do actually have an ulterior motive, Reading" Fred admitted as we strolled through the corridor.

"I see, do tell"
"I'm here to ask you if you'd accompany me somewhere tonight?" he asked vaguely.

"Where would that be?" I questioned, looking up at him beside me.
"Well, that's for me to know and you to trust me" he replied, giving me no further details.

"I suppose I'm free" I beamed up at him as we stopped outside of my classroom and he pulled me into another tight hug.

"It's a date. I'll be outside the Slytherin Common Room at 9pm, don't be late" Fred winked and disappeared down the corridor.

It was now 6pm and I promptly left my last class to head back to our dorm. My anxiety built as I stepped out into our common room. I hadn't seen Draco either since our detention on Friday and in all honesty I had managed to push him to the back of my mind most of the weekend, but my eyes resting on him again brought back all the frustration I'd felt after our last encounter.

He sat on the sofas with his group of friends and they were crowded around the table chatting or playing cards. My breath caught as we locked eyes and he face turned from somewhat joyful to ice cold.

I managed to pull my gaze away from his when I saw Daphne sitting on the sofas with them next to Blaise. She noticed me looking and immediately got up to greet me.

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now