Chapter 13 - The Abandoned Bathroom

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I could hardly keep my eyes open the next day. After Draco pushed me away, I ran back to our room no longer caring if anyone heard me. It could have woken all of Slytherin House for all I cared. All I wanted was to be back in the safety of our room. Daphne wasn't back from her date which only made me ache more, all I wanted was to fall in her arms and sob.

Keeping it all a secret from Daphne was a mistake and I came to that horrible realisation as I sat alone in our room and thought, even if she had been back what would I have told her?

I buried myself under my duvet, still in my clothes. I couldn't believe I had given into him and I knew, once and for all, it had to stop. Fighting the urge to let tears slip from my eyes, I drifted into sleep.

Only to be awoken at 2am to Daphne sneaking back into our room. The room was dark but my eyes adjusted as I watched her clumsily pull off all her clothes and fall asleep on top of the duvet in her underwear. I rolled my eyes and pressed my face back against my pillow.

Muggle Studies and Charms floated by in a haze. A dark cloud hung over my head and I couldn't concentrate on anything. The fact that Potions was next kept coming to the forefront of my mind and a pressure in my chest would rise.

As always, Daphne was beaming at me as she waited outside of my Charms class for me. We hadn't had much of a chance to speak since her date and I could tell by the ecstatic look on her face she'd had a good time.

"Oh it was wonderful, Celeste" Daphne gushed, "he took us up to the Astronomy Tower and he'd smuggled in wine"

"Hi Greengrass" Blaise winked, as him & Draco sped ahead of us to Potions. Draco glanced between his friend at his side and Daphne his eyes almost rolled entirely to the back of his head. He didn't even look in my direction.

I felt the ache in my chest again, but this time for Fred. If he were to ever find out about me and Draco I would have ruined everything between us and for what? I was nothing to Draco. All he wanted to do was punish me.

Getting to the classroom I took a deep breath before taking my seat next to him. Attempting to stand my ground, I decided I was going to give him the silent treatment this lesson.

When I got to our usual workbench he was across the room speaking with Blaise and Daphne. I took this as an opportunity to move our stools as far away from each other as possible. Proud of my handy work, I placed myself down. Reaching into my bag to find my textbook my heart dropped as I remembered where it was.

"Looking for something?" Draco smirked, now leaning on his side of our workbench with his body turned towards me. He held up my Potions textbook in one hand and looked down at me with an evil glint in his eye.

Without a word I turned my attention back to my bag, taking out bound parchments and my quill, ready for the lesson to commence.

"Don't you want it back?" he snarled. I knew ignoring him would only irritate him further so I looked up at him and shrugged, still not breathing a word to him.

In a huff he sat down on his seat. When realising our distance, he stood and dragged his chair over to my side so we remained closer.

"What did I tell you? You can't get away from me that easily" he whispered and I thought I could almost feel his words fan against my neck from his close proximity.

He was paying close attention to me while I kept my eyes on the front of the classroom. I had worn my brown waves down today and they nicely concealed my neck if I were cautious enough to remember not to tuck my hair behind my ears. From the corner of my eye I could see Draco peering at my hair intently.

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now