Chapter 26 - Inquistorial Squad

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After Fred spent the night in our dorm, we had been inseparable. We were able to put our past indiscretions behind us and agreed we would try not to let outside influences effect how we felt about each other. Fred had become a more confident version of himself with me and this only made him all the more attractive.

I loved seeing Fred return to his bubbly self, he had seemed lifeless during our time apart. He began waiting for me after my last lesson most days, putting his arm around me in the halls, spending the evenings together. I couldn't help but glow whenever I caught a glimpse of him as he waited for me.

It was a Thursday and I was leaving Charms with Hermione, who was my partner for this class. She gave me a gentle nudge and nodded towards Fred.

"I think someone's waiting for you" she said quietly. She flashed me a sweet but cheeky smile and pushed me over.

He was leant across the wall, reading through a textbook that I didn't recognise. I tilted my head to read it's cover. 'Defence Against The Dark Arts - Year Seven' I frowned as the words registered, he was never one to read for fun.

"What's that?" I asked prodding his book. He flipped the book shut, as he realised I was standing in front of him.

"Nothing, just something I've been trying to get better at" he laughed sheepishly, putting it away in his bag. It was strange but I shook my concern away and was actually rather impressed that he was studying.

"What shall we do this evening then?" I asked, slipping my hand into his and intertwining our fingers. As soon as I did so, I heard whispers from a group of second year Gryffindors standing idly in the halls. I shot them daggers and they scurried down a nearby passageway.

"I don't know how they can be scared of a little thing like you," Fred chuckled, as he'd watched the whole exchange, "I think I'd like to come to the Slytherin Common Room again"

He looked down at me with a mischievous glint in his eye and I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. Suddenly, a brilliant idea came to mind. He wouldn't be able to wear my jumper, there's no way it would fit but I could go snag him someone else's.

Fred waited round the corner from the entrance to our Common Room, he shouldn't have been down in the dungeons at all but he leant carelessly against a wall and flicked through his book again as I went to utter the password.

I waltzed in and surveyed the common room for somebody of a similar stature, when my eyes fell on Blaise. Him and Daphne were sat almost on top of each other on the sofa, looking like they were quietly quarrelling. I watched as her face twisted in upset with him and they were muttering quietly under their breaths.

"Daphne" I called in a hushed tone, kneeling down next to them to interrupt. They broke from their conversation and looked at me angrily. Daphne's face softened ever so slightly as she realised it was me.

"What is it, Celeste?" she asked, leant away from Blaise to face me and I caught him roll his eyes when her back was turned.

"Can I borrow Blaise's jumper?" I whispered. She arched an eyebrow and motioned for me to explain further, "I'm sneaking Fred in"

My antics seemed to lighten her mood and she let out a muffled giggle. She nodded her head and leant back to whisper to Blaise. He looked at me in daze then shook his head at his girlfriend.

"Absolutely not" Blaise choked out and nodded towards Draco. I hadn't noticed he was sitting on the sofa behind, watching us intently. Caught red handed, he busied himself, pretending he had been reading rather than straining to listen to our conversation.

"Please Blaise" I begged, holding clasped hands up to him prayer. He rolled his eyes again and slipped his black jumper, with green-piping around the neck, from his body. He chucked it into my outstretched hands. He also removed his tie from around his neck and threw it on top.

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें