Chapter 51 - 19 Years Later

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"George! Be careful" I called.

"I'll try" the tall wizard laughed, coming into the foyer.

"Not you" I snapped, "I meant Little George"

The small boy stopped in his tracks, having almost knocked over a vase. He was always hyper but he was especially riled up this morning. The nerves for his first day at Hogwarts were clearly getting to him and this was the second time he'd nearly smashed something in the house.

"Sorry mum" he mumbled, sulking back into the living room.

"I will never forgive you two for naming them" I muttered, aiming my frustration in George's direction.

11 and a bit years earlier, over the grand dining table we'd gathered George and Daphne to announce our pregnancy. I'd been incredibly nervous and I was unsure how to tell them, but to my surprise, Daphne beat me to it.

"Me and George have news" she gushed, patting George's leg under the table, "I'm pregnant"

"You're joking?" I choked out. Daphne's face dropped, this was their first child and this was hardly the reaction she'd been hoping for.

"She doesn't mean it like that" Fred laughed, trying to ease the tension, "We are too"

"How long?" Daphne beamed, her eyes instinctively wandering down to my abdomen.

"3 months" I replied, smiling at Fred.

"Me too..." Daphne mumbled, looking over at George uncertainly. The twins grinned at each other mischievously and I knew immediately that this had been no accident.

"Fred!" I shrieked, slapping him lightly on the chest.

"What! You've always said how great it would be to be pregnant at the same time" George chuckled.

As the evening had gone on, naturally the topic of baby names had come. This wasn't Fred and I's first child and we were slowly running out of names that both of us liked.

"What about Roxanne if it's a girl?" George suggested, waiting for Daphne's approval. But it never came and she turned her nose up right away.

"That's terrible" she muttered, shaking her head at him.

"Well, we know what we'll have to call him if it's a boy, don't we Fred?" George grinned, raising his eyebrows at Fred. Daphne and I looked at him in confusion, while Fred's face dropped.

"Shit, that's right" Fred gasped, rubbing his hand nervously across his chin.

"What are you talking about?" I groaned, rolling my eyes at the two of them.

"We made an unbreakable vow, fourth year" George explained, grinning wickedly.

"George, you didn't!" Daphne hissed, grabbing ahold of his hand on the table.

"We were drunk and we agreed that if either of us ever had boys we'd name them after each other" Fred sighed, resting his head in his palm. This was the most them thing I had ever heard but somehow I still couldn't believe what I was hearing.

The next 6 months went by with the twins incessantly teasing us about the fact we might both have boys and we'd end up with our own mini set of twins.

It was just our luck that me and Daphne gave birth, 2 weeks apart to two healthy baby boys, named Fred & George, now fondly referred to as Little Fred & Little George. Both as boisterous and smart as their namesakes. They even looked like each other, becoming taller and leaner than their other cousins by the age of eleven.

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