Chapter 27 - Shell Cottage

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As the world came into view below, we were hurled onto a sand dune, covered in long grassy, reeds. It had been a softer landing than most Portkey arrivals but the sand tumbled everywhere, into our shoes, clothes and bags.

I stood up first, shaking the sand from my clothing and letting my vision focus on the scenery around us. A small cottage built of stones and roof of shells stood in front of us. I gazed at the plant I recognised as sea lavender from Herbology lessons, that sprung from the ground in the front garden. It looked like Devon, where we'd grown up but I hadn't been to this particular beach before.

In our younger years, The Weasley children sometimes disappeared for a week or two in summer to spend time with their aunt at a place called Shell Cottage. To my frustration, I had never been allowed to join, with Molly insisting that it wasn't much fun and that it's only be sent to do chores like the rest of them. I realised that must be where we were.

"I told you I knew where we were going" Ron laughed, as he stood and took his boots off to shake the sand out.

"Why on Earth have you brought us here?" Ginny whined, looking at the twins.

"Well it's the only place that had a reservation so last minute" Fred quipped, making a face at his younger sister. Ginny stuck her middle finger up, teasingly and looked back at the cottage.

"Come on then, don't all rush in at once" George yelled, pushing us all towards the entrance.

As we stepped inside, the house opened up and looked much larger than it had from the outside. An open plan living room and kitchen sprawled out with large windows, that held the most wonderful view of the sea. A small weathered staircase was situated by the front door that led to the next floor.

"Right, so there's three bedrooms. Boys will all be in one and girls because there's more of you, you can spilt over the other two bedrooms" Fred explained, clapping his hands together.

"So nobody's sharing rooms with...the opposite sex?" Ron asked, looking up at the twins.

"Not sure who you think you're going to be sharing a bedroom with little brother but no, afraid not" George laughed, patting Ron on the back.

"No I didn't mean it like that..." Ron groaned, looking over at Hermione and his face went the deepest shade of scarlet. Ginny nudged me and I couldn't help but let a giggle slip.

Angelina and Alicia had already rushed upstairs to find a bedroom while me, Ginny, Hermione and Daphne placed our bags down by the front door to explore.

The floors were a formed of driftwood that looked like it had been collected from the beaches, the walls made up of stone and shell that had been grouted together. It didn't look architecturally sound that was for sure, but it was surprisingly warm. It must have been a charm that kept it so toasty, I decided to myself.

"This is adorable" Hermione gasped, looking around the place.

"Not bad, eh?" Fred chuckled, coming behind me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He leant down to plant a silent kiss on my head and I snapped up to look at him. It was uncharacteristically affectionate in front of his family but I noticed they were all distracted looking around the home.

"Shall we look at the rooms?" I called to the other girls and I looped myself out from under Fred's arm. They all nodded eagerly and we ascended the unstable staircase.

The door to one bedroom, with two sets of bunk beds, was already open, as we peered in Harry and Ron had wasted no time in unpacking their things. We carried on down the corridor and Ginny opened another bedroom door.

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