Chapter 32 - 12 Grimmauld Place

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Everything had grown so bleak in those last weeks before summer. HE had returned and there was a dark cloud that hung over our world. My only light through it all had been helping the twins with opening of their shop on Diagon Alley over the summer.

They'd kept their idea under wraps until the shop had been secured and they revealed it by springing it on us one evening. We'd thought they were taking us to London for an evening of drinks at the Leaky Cauldron but when they flung open the doors to a large empty shop we all stood in awe. I had never felt so proud but scared for them at the same time.

Half of the alley had been closing due to the unprecedented attacks and disappearances. They were going into business in one of the toughest times we'd faced, but if anyone was going to do it, it would be them.

A month passed by with plenty of painting, building and moving stock with the whole Weasley family. We'd all pitched in to help and it was done in what felt like no time at all. To avoid travelling between Devon and London so often, me, Ginny, Ron & the twins had been living at 12 Grimmauld Place. The twins were determined to find somewhere for themselves but for now, while the business was only starting this was the best option before they searched for somewhere a little more permanent.

Every problem we'd had slipped away with the arrival of the shop. Being away from Hogwarts had felt like last summer when things were simpler, with no Draco and no petty reasons to fall out with each other. I had hardly thought about Draco, only feeling a small pang of sympathy when I'd seen his pale, gaunt face staring back at me in the paper, but I'd been able to quickly push it aside and busy myself with more pressing matters, like where the Puking Pastilles should go.

This had also been one of the first summers that Daphne hadn't been on holiday for the entire 6 weeks. Her parents thought it unsafe to travel during this time so had decided keeping the girls in England would be for the best. Though Daphne had been upset at first, quite selfishly I was excited to spend more time with her outside of school. Daphne, being from an even wealthier Pure Blood family than my own, was not one for manual labour but would come by to help the twins as much as she could.

Though, me and Fred were beginning to suspect that she only visited so often to spend time with George. He had coped relatively well since his break up with Angelina after the events of our weekend away. He'd been able to throw himself entirely into the store to take his mind off it and I think Daphne being around so regularly had helped too.

With only a few weeks left before the inevitable return to Hogwarts, it was finally opening day at the shop. Me and Daphne had agreed to help as an extra pair of hands on their first day.

As soon as they opened their doors at 9am, the shop had been alive with eager customers, it was packed from wall to wall. Fred and George had both had haircuts and worn matching suits for the occasion. Despite my dedication to helping with the shop, I couldn't help but steal glances at how good Fred looked today.

I had managed to avoid working at the till, which I was very pleased about when I saw the queues of customers that led out of the door and on to the street. Instead, I opted to whirl around the shop floor, answering customers' queries and tidying up as the day went.

"Excuse me, Miss- oh Celeste Reading?" a voice said, as I turned to help the customer. It was Cormac McLaggen, I knew he was a Gryffindor in the year above me at school but we had never spoken to each other. I was actually quite surprised he even knew my name.

McLaggen stood up straighter to tower over me when he realised who I was and his eyes skimmed my body from top to bottom, lingering on my work blouse that fit somewhat tightly over my chest.

"Oh hello, McLaggen?" I questioned, making sure I wasn't mistaken and he gave me a gentle nod, "What can I help you with?"

"Well, these I suppose" Cormac replied, motioning to the glowing display of Love Potions in front of him. My eyes fixed on the bubbling pink liquid.

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