Chapter 8 - Avoidance

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Daphne didn't tease me this time or bring up what she thought had happened in front of anyone. I wanted to try to conceal my lie for as long as possible but I had a horrible feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

Out of instinct I started avoiding Fred. Whenever he would try to smile at me in halls or get my attention during meals I'd pretend I hadn't seen. I was scared of him coming over to speak with us and Daphne finding out I'd lied or even worse, I was scared Draco would see me with him.

Though I had been left excited and confused after our encounter on the stairs, I knew Draco could do a lot worse than that. I feared more for Fred, if he were to ever do something to him I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

My avoidance didn't go unnoticed by the very person I had been avoiding and it was brought to my attention on a chilly Friday evening after dinner in the Great Hall.

I strolled down the corridor, planning to do some light studying in the library before bed. Daphne was busy helping her sister with Charms homework in our room so I decided to leave them to have some time to together.

Echoed footsteps sounded behind me and I got a horrible shiver as I prayed I wasn't being followed. I quickened my pace and I gulped as the footsteps behind me did so too.

Building up the courage I stopped in place and turned on my heel to face whoever was stalking me. My stature immediately softened when I met with Fred's hazel eyes.

"Are you always trying to startle me?" I jeered, walking towards him.

"Are you always trying to ignore me?" he retorted, bringing his hand to rub his chin, imitating the look of being deep in thought.

"Have I?" I asked, but my voice cracked and I didn't even convince myself.

"Come on. Even Gin said she hasn't seen you round much, what's going on?" Fred asked, outstretching his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. My knees stiffened under me and he knew exactly what he was doing to me.

"She knows" I muttered, as looked up into his sparkling eyes. His grin quickly turned to concern.

"About what? About the-"
"the kiss" I cut him off, "She saw my lipstick on your face"

"Was she okay?" he asked, his face still not changing from its unsettled expression. I love that he worried about his sister and how she would take this.

"Yes actually. She said she was happy for us, but don't worry I explained it was only a one off"

"A one off?" he repeated, confusion flickered on his face for a moment before returning back to concern "you thought it was a one off?"

"I'm sorry Fred, I didn't mean it like that. You know I'm not good at getting my words out. I didn't know if you.." I trailed off, not wanting to say anymore so I didn't embarrass myself.

"Didn't know if I wanted more?" he finished my question. I dropped my head and nodded slowly. He brought his large hands out to cup my small face and lifted it to meet his gaze again.

"I thought maybe you were just doing me a favour or felt sorry for me because I was so pathetic for never having my first kiss" I mumbled. He cupped my face tighter and stroked one of my cheeks with his thumb.

"How could you think- of course I didn't just want it to be one off" he paused "What if I took you out somewhere for the day, eh?"

Fred smiled. He had gone back to his cheeky self once he realised I was in fact not rejecting him after all.

I could feel myself positively glow when he asked but still tried to keep my air of calm. This was all very new to me and I didn't know if you were meant to show how eager you were from the get go. I gave an enthusiastic nod and told him I'd be happy to.

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now