Chapter 5 - Potions

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A week had gone by since the first day of term and school felt like it was back in full swing. I hadn't purposely been avoiding Fred but I certainly wasn't seeking him out either.

Luckily being in different year groups and houses meant I didn't have to spend torturous long classes with him. I don't think I would have been able to control my gaze falling to him any chance I could get.

Daphne had been teasing me incessantly about it, trying to barge me in his direction anytime we crossed paths in the halls. To my luck, we hadn't bumped into each other and I'd managed to get away with it, until today.

"Come on, Potions time!" Daphne squealed, waiting for me outside of my Charms class. It was now her favourite subject as she'd managed to sneak a look at Snape's list of class partners and seen she'd been paired with Blaise, who she'd had a soft spot for since third year.

"You're only excited because you get to flirt with Zabini" I huffed, "did you see who I was partnered with by any chance?"

She took hold of my arm and rubbed it gently, as if to console me before giving me bad news.

"It's Malfoy" she sighed.

"Unlucky, Reading!" a voice boomed as I felt an arm come round my shoulder.

Fred and George must have been pacing just behind us and overheard the whole conversation. I was silently thankful that we hadn't been discussing anything about Fred at the time.

Fred walked alongside me with his arm hanging loosely round my shoulder and George went to the other side to chat with Daphne. He must have felt awful overhearing us talk about her crush on Blaise. George had always hounded me about Daphne, asking if she was seeing anyone from our year or if I could put in a good word for him. But looking over at them, he didn't need any help. He was as charming as ever and already had her giggling in the flirty way she always did with boys.

"Fifth year Potions ay? You'll get to have a go with Amortentia then. It caused quite the stir in our class" Fred laughed, pulling my attention back to him.

"Oh really, why's that?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Because everyone smelt us" Fred said nudging his brother and they let out a booming laugh in unison.

Though I'm sure he was joking, I wouldn't have been surprised. Girls always swooned over them. It must have been the height, the sense of humour and that brilliant hair, I know that's what did it for me. Spending all my early years with them, I got to watch them grow and seem to never stop growing.

"Well, have fun girls" the twins said in unison as we stopped outside of our Potions class. Daphne scurried inside to find her seat next to Blaise and I was left lingering outside with them.

There was an uncomfortable moment where I think me and Fred both wanted to embrace each other goodbye but were very aware that George was waiting and watching.

Fred broke the tension and swung his arms around me anyway. He subtly bent down to bring his lips close to my ear.

"See you later gorgeous" he whispered. His breath against my ear and neck sent excited shivers down my spine.

He pulled away and softly chuckled as he could see the effect he'd had on me once again. I could tell he secretly loved when my body betrayed me and showed him how I really felt. George nodded a goodbye and the boys disappeared off to their next class.

I watched them leave before going to turn to the classroom door, when I noticed a fellow Slytherin speeding towards me from the other end of the long winding corridor.

As he came closer, there was no way I could miss the icy blonde hair and he didn't seem to be slowing down. Draco stopped abruptly in front of me and swiftly grabbed the collar of my blouse to push me past the entrance to our Potions class.

I stumbled back into the corner where the two hallways met and desperately looked around for somebody to see what was happening but as we were now late, the corridors were abandoned.

He pulled my collar close, bringing my face up nearer to his. He was so much taller than me that I was practically on my tip toes to avoid dangling from his grip.

"What did I tell you about fraternising with blood traitors?" he spluttered out. He was seething but still kept a low voice to avoid raising any suspicion in the classroom a few paces away. I couldn't even choke out a response, I had been muted by the shock of his tight grip.

Noticing this, he smirked but didn't let go and instead tightened his hold around the fabric of my shirt.

"Didn't you hear me? Am I going to have to tell your brother about this?" He spat. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as he brought up my brother. He was the last person I wanted to know about me and Fred. I solemnly shook my head, still feeling unable to give any verbal response.

"You answer me when I'm talking to you" Draco said, now raising his voice a little more.

"Malfoy what are you doing out here?" Blaise called from the doorway to our next lesson. Draco moved to the side, letting me drop slightly so I became visible to Blaise.

"Oi both of you get in here before you lose us points for being late" Blaise said through gritted teeth.

Draco dropped me completely and stormed off in the direction of his friend, leaving me to pull myself back together and smooth out my dishevelled clothing, before heading into a class full of people to pretend it never happened.

I entered the dimly lit classroom a few moments behind Draco and took a seat in the last one left, sharing a workbench with him near the back of the room. I attempted to pull my wooden stool as far away from him as I could while still being under the same table, but he quickly held on to the legs of my chair to halt it's a movement. I caught a glint of his ring as his hand swooped underneath me and something about it made my stomach flutter.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" he muttered, not looking in my direction and keeping his eyes focused on Professor Snape commencing the lesson. I settled in my seat and he let go of his grasp on my chair.

"Good girl" he mouthed. Even with those silent words, I felt heat rise in my cheeks. Oh god what's wrong with me? I thought.

The lesson kicked off with an introduction to various bubbling concoctions. We each had a cauldron placed on our desks and were told to figure out what it was and to write an essay on it for next lesson.

Our cauldron had a strong aroma spilling from it that brought back memories of The Burrow. I couldn't quite put my finger on it and decided I must get closer. I delicately leant forward over the bench as the green tinged smoke filled my nostrils, I could smell home cooking, cups of tea and natural wool jumpers.

"Amortentia" Draco muttered, opening his Potions textbook. My eyes grew wide as I realised why I was smelling Fred. I practically choked out a cough as the smog continued to attack my sense.

"What does Weaslebee smell like then, hand me down jumpers and poverty?" Draco sneered. I silently balled my fists and couldn't hold myself back any longer.

"If you're smelling Pansy Parkinson I feel sorry for you. I shared a dorm with her in first year, she smelt like sweaty socks and far too much cheap perfume" I spat back.

I was almost shaking at my own defiance until I witnessed a peculiar sight, Draco Malfoy held his hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter. Pansy was in our class and I prayed to Merlin she hadn't heard my comment. As much as I didn't like her, I couldn't bare to face her and the rest of her horrible Slytherin girls. Though I didn't understand why Draco had found it so funny.

"Not that it's any of your business, but me and Parkinson longer together" Draco replied, as if he'd read my mind. I looked him in the face for the first time since we'd sat down and was met with his signature smirk plastered across his face.

"What a shame" I retorted, turning away to make it clear I wanted to go back to my work.

"Not really, I found her with somebody else after the Yule Ball" he paused, "but I'm sure you know all about that"

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now