Chapter 10 - Sunday Morning

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I woke up fairly early on this particular Monday and was met with the debilitating pain still lingering in my chest. I had never felt so guilty in all of my life.

Another thing I detested about the Slytherin dorms is there was very little light. We were in the dungeons so windows were scarce and there wasn't a crack of natural light in mine and Daphne's room. I decided I need to get some fresh air in my lungs.

I rolled over to see Daphne softly snoring on her bed opposite, her fair hair tumbling in curls around her face. She looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake her so thought it best that I would roam the grounds on my own, I certainly needed some time with my thoughts.

I pulled myself out of bed and looked in the mirror, still in my underwear I turned to look where the hand print had once been and noticed a small mark that had never been there before. It was exactly where Draco's ring had hit my sensitive skin and it felt as though I had been branded by him.

Dragging myself to the bathroom, I quickly hopped in the shower, washing my hair and desperately wanting to wash away what I had done yesterday. I got out and cast a drying spell over myself and my soft brown hair fell in its usual natural waves.

Slipping on tights, a skirt, a wool jumper and finishing with a warm jacket. I slipped on loafers and I quietly left our room to make my way out of the Slytherin common room.

I didn't have any clue where I was going, passing an old grandfather clock on my way I saw it was 7:30 am. Nobody was ever awake this early so I was sure I wouldn't be bumping into anyone but I was wrong.

I turned the corner and a row of Gryffindors were oncoming from the end of the corridor. I couldn't make out who it was until I saw quidditch uniforms and brooms. Oh god, I forgot other students would be up for quidditch practice at this time, I thought to myself.

It didn't take long for me to notice the matching fiery haired boys at the back, towering over the rest of the group, with more familiar faces in front being Harry, Ron & Ginny.

"You're up early!" Ron called as they approached.

"Very uncharacteristic of you" Harry joked and I teasingly stuck my middle finger up at him.

"Come on, we can't be late for practice" Ginny called already passing me and walking off through an archway. Anybody would think she was ignoring me, but I knew how eager she was about quidditch, nobody was going to stop her from getting to a practice on time.

The others trailed off behind her but Fred lingered for a moment to stand with me.

"Morning" he beamed, "so what are you doing up this early?"

"Looking for you" I said. It wasn't really a lie, despite absentmindedly wandering the castle I had secretly hoped to see him.

"Well, I can't stay and chat, Ginny has us on a tight schedule but since you made the effort to get up so early for me, why don't you come watch?" Fred said with a wink, nodding towards the direction that the others had left.

I followed along, I had nothing better to do that morning and watching Fred would be quite the way to spend it. We walked along the corridors together behind everyone else.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" Fred whispered, so the others wouldn't hear.

"Don't be silly, it couldn't be helped. I still had a lovely time" I smiled up at him. He looked back down at me and I could see regret in his eyes again.

"I should have at least been a gentleman and walked you back to your dorm" Fred sighed, "did you get back okay?"

My breath caught in my throat and the ache in my chest grew stronger. I hated lying to Fred. Not only because I'd been having such a lovely time with him recently but he was one of my oldest friends.

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