Chapter 21 - Finding Courage

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Team 10 and 7 are now being led by their Jonin Sensei(s) for a week's worth of training to improve their combat abilities for their upcoming battle against the pair of Ninja Assassins. Kakashi was now being supported by crutches, as his body was still numbed from his last battle.

They then stopped at a small open area, filled with tall trees.

"Alright guys, your training starts now. First we will begin with the review of chakra, the Ninja's basic source of power. Understanding chakra is essential." Kakashi began with a brief recap.

"We know that." Sasuke said lazily.

"He's right, we learned all about chakra in the academy." Shikamaru added.

"Yes, but the real question is; do you know how to control it?" Kakashi asked all of the Genin present.

"So is that why we are here? For the Tree Climbing Exercise?" Naruto asked his big brother with a raised eyebrow.

"Tree climbing? But we already know how to climb trees." Choji stated a simple yet dumb fact, that almost everyone CAN climb trees.

"Yes, that is obvious. But I believe what Naruto meant, was climbing a tree....without your hands." Asuma added, to support what his blonde student meant.

"WHAT?! But that's impossible, Sensei" Choji stated.

"Really? Naruto, care to demonstrate?" Kakashi asked with smirking tone.

"Sure, why not." The blonde Senju said lazily.

This was something he learned when he was just a child, so it was not really a big deal to him.

Naruto then walked-up to the nearest tree, and started channelling Chakra to the bottom of his feet. He then began to walk upwards on the surface of the tree, like he was walking on the ground below, which earned him a few gasp of shock from some of his fellow Genins.

He was now hanging upside down on one of the branches, with his arms opened.

"TA-DA" Naruto said victoriously, as he channelled his inner showman.

"WOW NARUTO!! THAT'S AWESOME!!" Choji said with awe in his voice.

"Hihihi you make it look so easy, Naruto-kun" Hinata said with a cute giggle, feeling the blonde boy always managed to inspire her with his hard-earned skills.

"Well I better be. I've been doing this exercise since I was 5. It would be embarrassing if I couldn't." Naruto said, while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

'Damn! The Dobe is able surpassed me in this too! I will not fall behind! I will catch up to you, Naruto.' Sasuke thought, with a burning determination in his eyes.

"I'm surprised, Kakashi. You've been their instructor for months now, and you never taught them the basics of Chakra control? Before a C-Rank Mission? I taught those things to my Team on the first week, man" Asuma said with a victorious tone, feeling he might be the better Sensei compared to the supposed Number One Elite Jonin in Konoha.

"Yeah, Kakashi-niisan. I know you are very lax nowadays, but you were a real hard-ass when you trained me when I was a kid." Naruto added innocently, but not knowing his big brother is feeling a little shameful for his lack of educational skills for his team.

"Hahaha I guess I kind of lost my 'teaching-edge' when Lord Third discharged me from the ANBU." Kakashi said with a sweat-drop, as he rubbed the back of his shamefully.

"That...or all the crazy sex you had with An...." Asuma added teasingly, but was quickly stopped by the Silver haired Jonin.

"ANYWAY! Yes, we are here to train your Chakra control. By perfecting your Chakra control, your Jutsus will be second-nature to you, once you performed them. By mastering this technique, your Jutsus will cost less Chakra, and the power behind them will improved and possibly doubled." Kakashi informed the Genins.

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