Chapter 25 - Hyoton Unleashed

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Sasuke glared at Haku, with his Mangekyo Sharingan blazing through the girl. His eyes were still in tears, as he laid Hinata gently on the ground.

Out of instinct, Sasuke focuses the remaining of his Chakra into his left eye, and it started bleeding from the socket. A single word then came to his mind, before he spoke it.


Suddenly Black Flames appeared, engulfing the Ice mirror dome in a sea of fire. The intensity of the heat was so hot, the mirrors were melting like butter.

But Sasuke was losing consciousness and his control over the fire. His chakra was massively depleted, and the black flames had spread throughout the ice dome, trapping Sasuke, Hinata and Haku inside.

There was no way out.

All Haku could do was stand at the centre of the dome to avoid the growing flames, with Sasuke and Hinata lie unconscious behind her. She couldn't undo her Jutsu, otherwise the Black Flames on top of the dome, would just fall on their heads.

But it was only a matter of time.

She then closed her eyes, accepting her grim fate. Until she heard a familiar voice yelled out from outside the dome.

"Water Style: Exploding Water Shockwave!"

A giant size waves, after waves of water, suddenly appeared and was sent crashing onto the burning mirror dome, breaking it into a million pieces, and safely sweeping the black flames away, and into the ocean floor.

Haku was painfully slammed by the large waves of water, and landed a few feet away. Her mask was heavily cracked, and a large part of it was broken.

But the Black Fire was still burning. Turning the ocean into a large steam. It must not be allowed to remain, otherwise the whole ocean will be dried up in a matter of hours. Even if it was very unlikely. But why risk it.

"Sealing Jutsu: Fire Seal!"

Suddenly all the Black Flames were being sucked into a scroll, stopping any further vaporization of the water.

Haku cough out the water out of her lungs, and was taking deep breaths to regain her oxygen. She then removed the broken mask from her slightly bruised face.

As she tries to figure out what just happened, she saw a lone figure hidden in the mist, standing across from her.

Her vision was still blurry, but when they returned, her eyes widened when she saw who the attacker was.

"N-Naruto?" Haku said, slightly choking under breath.

The blonde Senju was just standing there, with a scroll in his hand. It was the same scroll he used to seal the Amaterasu flames away. He then placed the scroll in his back pouch, and went to check on Sasuke and Hinata.

Hinata had no pulse, but he was able sense a small trace of her chakra. She was still alive, but barely. Naruto then channels a small portion of Kurama's chakra into her, to jumpstart her reserves. The senbons on her body immediately fell to the ground, when the red chakra entered her system.

When he was able to stabilize her condition, he sighed in relief when he saw her breathing again.

Hinata was going to be okay.

Sasuke on the other hand, was very depleted of his chakra. Any longer he could have drop-dead. Naruto then did the same thing for Sasuke, that he did for Hinata, and all the senbons were removed from his body.

Naruto then noticed a trail of blood was stained on the Uchiha's left cheek.

Naruto can only assume that the Black Flames came from Sasuke, and concluded that Sasuke was able to unlock his Mangekyo Sharigan, and used one of its powerful Jutsus against Haku.

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