Chapter 27 - This will be Over in a....

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It was a moment of pure silence. Naruto was now standing with Kakashi and Zabuza, who was still pinned down to the ground by the silver haired Jonin's Hounds.

All three shinobi were glaring at the army of murderous thugs that was standing before them. Leading the despicable bunch, was the most despicable man in the world; Gato.

And after he announced his untimely arrival, he said something.....that one should NEVER said in front of a girl's 'father'.

"What the fuck did you just say Gato?! Cause I don't think I heard you right. Mind repeating that?" Zabuza asked threateningly, daring the little man to answer the suicidal question.

But Gato merely scoffed.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had gone deaf, 'Demon of the Hidden Mist' Hahahahahahaha. And just so you know, Zabuza......I WAS NEVER GOING TO PAY YOU, YOU DUMB SON OF A BITCH!" Gato yelled out with glee, which made Zabuza's blood boil even more.

"...Now that Raiga's dead, and you'll soon about to join him, all there is left, is to finish you all off. But I'll be keeping the Konoha kunoichis and your little whore. I'll have my fun with that bitch, and then I'll give what's left of her, to these fine......'gentlemen' hehehe" Gato said as he licked his lips hungrily at Haku, while his men laughed along, and yelled out very 'vulgar things' of what they want to do with the Yuki girl.

Haku showed no fear in her eyes when she heard this. But for Zabuza.......he wants to kill every single one of them. Slowly and painfully.

He then turned his head to Kakashi and Naruto.

"Kakashi.....can you get these fucking dogs off me, so I can kill this fucking fat, slimy, backstabbing, degenerate, piece of shit." Zabuza asked, trying very hard to control his murderous impulse.

Kakashi nodded, and undid his summoning, allowing all of his Ninja Hounds to disappear in a puff of smoke, freeing Zabuza from their hold.

But Zabuza's arms felt very numb from the dog's very deep bites and blood lost. He tried to lift his Kubikiribocho, but he can barely lift the giant sword with his one good arm anymore.

He needed a moment to recover his strength. He thought about using his mouth to fight, but he wasn't suicidal yet.

But Zabuza's thoughts were broken, when he saw Naruto stepped forward.

"Save your strength, Zabuza. I'll take care of them" Naruto said with a monotone voice, not liking the idea of what he was about to do.

But Zabuza merely scoffed. He admires the blonde boy's guts, but Gato is HIS kill.

"Fat chance, kid. This scum dies by MY hand" Zabuza said angrilly.

Naruto thought about it at first, and agreed that Gato should die by Zabuza's hand, since it might earn him the swordsman's favour. But Zabuza was still in no shape to fight the thug army.

".....Fine. You get the slime ball. But I will handle the rest." Naruto said confidently.

But Kakashi would be damned if he remained silent any longer, and let his little brother do this, especially at such a young age. He doesn't doubt Naruto's abilities as a ninja, but he was afraid what this action could to do him.

"Naruto, there are more than a hundred men. Let me handle them." Kakashi said.

"With all due respect, Kakashi-niisan, that won't be a good idea. Your chakra levels are nearly empty. Whether these men are shinobi or not, one will likely land a lucky hit, and possibly kill you. And I won't let that happen. Anko-neechan will kill me, if I did." Naruto said, while laughing softly at the end.

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