Chapter 32 - The Chunin Exam Begins

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It's finally time.

After his faithful encounter with three of his fellow Jinchurikis, today is the day that Naruto, Ino and Shikamaru finally takes the infamous Chunin Exams.

All of his friends and former classmates were planning to participate as well. Most of whom, are still doubting themselves, since they are still considered rookies.

But when they heard that Naruto and his team are planning to participate in the exams from their Sensei(s), it didn't take long for their confidence to immediately renewed.

If the Blonde Senju can do it, then so can they. They absolutely refuse to let Team 10 surpassed them.


Shino and Sakura are currently waiting for their Dog Loving teammate outside the gates of the Inuzuka Compound. They've been waiting for almost 20 minutes now, and while Shino still looks as passive as always, Sakura was fuming and had a tick mark on her large forehead.

When Kiba finally showed up with a large grin on his face, Sakura immediately ran towards him.

"YOU'RE LATE!!" Sakura yelled out to the Izunuka, which caused him to cover his ears to block out the screeching.

"Oww! I have very sensitive ears, you Banshee!" Kiba yelled back.

"Hmph, you deserve it though, Baka. Shino and I have been waiting for 20 minutes." Sakura scoffed, as she crosses her arms.

"It's not my fault! My sister Hana, wanted to check on Akamaru before we do the exams." Kiba explained, as he pointed his thumb to Akamaru, who was sitting comfortably on his head.

"Yip Yip" Akamaru barked cutely, as he jumps off Kiba's head, and into Sakura's arms, which she happily catches him.

"Awww poor Akamaru. You gonna be okay, little guy?" Sakura asked, as she held Akamaru like a baby.

"Yip Yip" Akamaru barked cutely, as he licked her right cheek, which made the pinkette giggle.

"Akamaru said yes. Also, why are you so nicer to him, than me?" Kiba asked the pinkette, with an annoyed tone.

"He's cute little puppy. You're smelly Mutt" Sakura mocked with a smirk.

"Why you pink haired Motherf..."

"Enough. We wasted enough time already." Shino interrupted, feeling very annoyed at his two loudmouth teammates.

"Hmph, its Kiba's fault." Sakura scoffed

"Shut up, you Banshee" Kiba replied, as he glared daggers at the pinkette.

Shino has always been caught in the middle when comes to these two. They always argue about the smallest things. He didn't know if it was pure hatred or sexual tension. But regardless, he has always been the one who pulls the team together when he needs to.

"Kiba, while I understand your reason, I too am disappointed of your lack of punctuality. Why do you ask? Because as teammates and friends, we must be considerate of others, as well." Shino scolded with his logic.

Kiba wanted to argue and defend himself, but deep down he knew that Shino was right. He could have had Akamaru get checked on yesterday, instead a couple hours before the exam is about to start.

"Sigh....fine, fine I'm sorry! It won't happen again. Geez, you guys are worse than my mum." Kiba apologized.

"Thank you, Kiba. Now let's go. Kurenai Sensei told us to go straight to the Academy. She said she'll meet us there." Shino explained.

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