Chapter 26 - Racing Lightning

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The battle between the former Guardian Ninja and the Psychotic Swordsman went on for a while now. Asuma was trying his best to not harm the child on Raiga's back, and Raiga was smart enough to use that to his advantage.

Asuma and Raiga were proven to be evenly matched, and capable masters of their chosen weapons.

But Raiga still had the upper-hand when it comes to long-distance combat, as he often uses his swords, to shoot Natural Lightning towards the very agile Sarutobi.

Asuma couldn't launch a successful sneak attack whatsoever, since Ranmaru will always spot him with his unique Dojutsu, and warns Raiga before the attack happens.

As the battle rages on, Raiga then draws his two swords together, and raised them high into the air, while drawing lightning down upon his body.

"Ninja Art: Thunder Dragon Tornado!"

Raiga then begins to spin his body around, forming a whirling vortex of wind and electricity. The vortex then takes on the form of a Dragon's head, and it was then shot towards Asuma's direction.

The dragon got closer and closer, causing the Sarutobi to sweat a bit. He then forms a couple of hand-seals, a took a deep breath.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb!"

Asuma spat out a powerful stream of fire towards the approaching dragon. The explosive fire collided with the sentient electrical tornado, cancelling each Jutsus out.

But all Raiga did was grin at the results.

"You are without a doubt an impressive foe, Asuma Sarutobi. It has been a while since someone has push me this far" Raiga said, excited that he had finally found a worthy opponent.

Asuma gave no response however, as he was already focused with his next move. He then threw a Smoke bomb beneath his feet, disappearing from Raiga's field of vision.

"YOU THINK A SMOKESCREEN CAN HIDE YOU FROM ME?! AS LONG AS I HAVE RANMARU, THERE IS NO ESCAPING ME, SARUTOBI!" Raiga yelled out with glee, but he didn't even realize that Asuma had managed to sneak past behind him.

"RAIGA! BEHIND Y...." Ranmaru tried to warn Raiga, but his warning came too late.

Asuma quickly threw both his Trench Knives towards the straps of Raiga's Bag, causing said bag to drop down to the ground.

"RANMARU!" Raiga yelled out, as he tried to reached for the fallen bag, but Asuma already made a couple of hand-seals and took a deep breath.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Asuma blew out a powerful gust of wind towards the Swordsman, and Raiga was sent a couple feet away from Ranmaru, separating the pair from each other.

The large bag was then opened, and a little boy with chin length purple hair came out of it, looking scared and worried.

"RAIGA!" Ranmaru yelled out, as he got out of the bag, and tried to run towards the Swordsman.

But then he felt his body completely paralyse. He didn't notice there was a long foreign Shadow beneath his feet.

"Shadow Possession Success. Anytime now Ino" Shikamaru said, in his shadow stance.

Ino then made single unique hand-seal, and aimed her hands towards the immobilize boy.

"Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu!"

Ino's body fell limp on the ground, as her consciousness was shot towards Ranmaru, causing the boy to stop his movements.

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