Chapter 19 - Mission Accomplish

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Naruto had carried Idate all the way to the Modoroki Shrine along with Ino and Shikamaru behind them. They had to climb through a very long flight of stairs, but thankfully Naruto was a stamina-monster. But unfortunately for his teammates who do not share his incredible endurance, was now panting from exhaustion as they couldn't keep up with the blonde Senju.

They were almost too late, but luckily the arrogant Wagarashi Runner, Fukusuke, decided to take his sweet-ass time to rest, and pre-maturely celebrate his 'victory'.

But as soon as the heavy rain finally stopped pouring, Fukusuke finally began to make his way to the Todoroki Shrine with his Ryuko Jewel.

When Idate arrived to Modoroki, all of his supporters happily cheered his name out, and was glad that he didn't run away like they thought he would, including Jirocho, who gave his young henchman a grateful smile.

Idate was still wounded from Aoi's beating, but thanks to Ino's homemade healing ointment, he was able to take his Ryuko Jewel, and run all the way to Todoroki, with Team 10 behind him.

Naruto's words were still echoing in Idate's mind. The young Senju was able to do the one thing that the Wasabi runner had been struggling for a long time. To finally trust in himself and others again. And if he couldn't do it for himself, then he should do it for the people that are precious to him. And he refuses to fail Jirocho, when he was the one who gave him his second chance in life.


Fukusuke was now approaching a large Wooden Bridge that was being held by ropes, that will lead him straight to the Todoroki Shrine on Ouzu Island. Beneath the bridge was a deep river with strong currents. Falling in will definitely drown a normal person.

"I just have to cross this bridge, and I'm on Ouzu Island" Fukusuke said with a victorious smirk.

But then Aoi came out of nowhere next to him, surprising the Wagarashi Runner.

"Well then get moving...." Aoi said with a bored tone "....Apparently, Idate has made it to the Modoroki Shrine already." Aoi said, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"He what?!" Fukusuke said out of disbelief.

"Yes, looks like I might have underestimated his little Genin bodyguards." Aoi said with narrowed eyes. He refuses to be outdone by a bunch of kids.

"You Incompetent fool! You said you took care of him!" Fukusuke yelled out.

"I thought I had, but now is not the time to discuss it. Hurry up and cross the bridge" Aoi ordered with a frustrated tone.

"Useless Ninja! You are completely worthless!" Fukusuke said with a scoff, but his arrogance had greatly offended the Ame Jonin.

Aoi then grabs Fukusuke by his throat and started choking him. If there is one thing he hates, is being disrespected by 'trash' like the Wagarashi Runner.

"Listen you. I am here helping you because I have to. Because it's my duty. But one more little crack like that, I will break you in half" Aoi threaten as he tightens his hold.

"Okay...s-sorry, sorry" Fukusuke begged for his mercy.

"That's better. NOW GET MOVING!" Aoi said, as he loosen his grip and tossed Fukusuke forward.

"R-Right" Fukusuke fearfully said, before he crosses the bridge, and run all way to the other side.

Aoi then senses Idate was approaching the bridge, so he Shunshin away to hide and prepare for the Wasabi runner's arrival.

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