Chapter 37 - Saving Genin Uzumaki

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Team Samui was one of the last two teams left from Kumo in the Chunin Exams. Each member was at least a year older than Yugito's team, making them their seniors. They were favoured to win in their village, as they had more combat experience then their juniors.

But despite this, they still haven't realized, that a 14 year old blonde boy, had managed to sneak up behind them.

"Hello there" Naruto said nonchalantly behind Team Samui.

Samui and her team were caught completely off-guard when they heard his voice, as they quickly turn around and readied their weapons.

Samui is a tall, fair-skinned young woman with a curvaceous figure who generally wears a stoic, aloof expression on her face. She has blue eyes and straight shoulder-length blonde hair, cut in an asymmetrical bob style. She wears a very low-cut outfit, with mesh armour underneath, a short skirt and red hand guards and high boots. She also carries a tantō strapped horizontally to her lower back.

When she saw Naruto standing before her and her team, unarmed and uncaring, with a confident smirk on his whiskered face, she immediately narrowed her blue eyes at the handsome blonde boy. Wait.....handsome?

"Well, aren't you a bold one." Samui said, as she held her tanto firmly in her hand.

"So I've been told. Let's cut to the chase. Would you be so kind to tell me, which scroll do you have?" Naruto asked calmly.

"Unlikely. It's the Shinobi code, to not reveal their hand, before the enemy reveals theirs. Besides, I don't like your tone. It's not cool." Samui said with her monotone voice.

"Come now, I see no reason for us to be uncivilized. But if you're too shy.......allow me to break the ice. (Ino rolled her eyes, when she heard the cheesy ice pun) My team has an Earth Scroll. If you don't have a Heaven scroll, then there is no need for us to battle." Naruto reasoned.

"True, but eliminating you and your team will lessen the competition. And whatever scroll you have, whether it's the one we need or not, we'll just take it for leverage." Samui countered.

"You're quite perceptive, I'll give you that. But your course of action, is ill-advised........and possible suicidal." Naruto warned as he narrowed his eyes.

This remark made the only male Kumo ninja on the team, finally speak up with anger.

"YOU DON'T SCARE US, NARUTO SENJU! We heard all about you from that geek in the glasses. Just because two small countries called you a hero, doesn't mean a damn to us! All I see, is a cocky little kid! And that just makes my soul burning hot!" Atsui, Samui's brother and teammate, yelled out passionately.

Atsui has neck-length blond hair, worn in an asymmetrical bowl cut style and green eyes. His typical attire consists of a sleeveless version of the standard Kumogakure uniform. He also has bandages on his forearms, shin guards and the kanji for "heat" tattooed on his left shoulder.

"Be cool, Atsui. Remember to ALWAYS not underestimate your opponent." Samui tried to calm her brother down.

"I know, Sis. But this guy just makes me hot!" Atsui said passionately.

"Sorry bro, but I don't swing that way." Naruto jest with a smirk.

"Grrrrrr" Atsui growled out, while his left eye was twitching uncontrollably.

But then their third teammate decided to finally speak up.

"Samui, Atsui. Maybe we should just tell him what scroll we have. We don't know what he's really capable of. And if what that Proctor said about him earlier is true, we shouldn't risk fighting someone as dangerous as him." Said their third teammate, known as Mabui.

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