Secret Love Song

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"Dear Harry Styles: I'm in love with you. Yours sincerely, Louis Tomlinson"

Harry reads the message over and over and over again. It's right there, he knows it is, but he can't help getting back to it every five minutes to read it again. His heart is shattering, he feels so stupid for leaving Louis like this. Now all he wants is for this plane to just fucking land in London so he can run to Louis' house. He plays it in his head, sees himself walking to Louis' gates, standing there breathless, knocking on the door till Louis appears..god..Louis, Louis will be there, he'll get to be with Louis again..

Would this fucking plane land already?

The lack of internet connection leaves Harry with so little to do, so he does the one thing he always did when he was Larry edits on his phone.

He could never remove them, they're mostly pictures of him and Louis, some of them are real, some of them are photoshopped, but if he's being honest, he loves them all. He feels like crying because fuck, they could've had it all. If they kept dating, they'd be married now. Harry's heart starts beating so loud he can hear it in his ears.

Just a few more hours and he will be home.
"Dear Others:

It's me, Louis Tomlinson. And this is the statement of my life.
Right now I'm sitting here in my house in London, with Clifford who seems to be always the one to stay with me through the years. Funny thing, people: get dogs and not partners. I'm joking!

I thought of this a lot, in fact..I thought of it so much I felt my brain is about to explode. No I wasn't fine, but I survived. That's what matters in the end right? To make it through, even if you took the long way, willingly or forced.

I have a very few things to say, because I'm sick of lying and cheating and faking things. And it shouldn't come as no surprise anymore, that I wasn't telling the truth most of the time. You guys are clever, don't know who they were trying to fool. But here's the truth: yes, I, Louis Tomlinson, am not in fact as straight as I thought I was. Yeah? Not so shocking. It's not like it matters all that much, but I won't live this lie anymore, it's who I am and I'm surely proud of it, even if some people always told me I shouldn't be. That's my message to anyone who's too scared to be themselves..go for it, fuck anyone who tells you there's something wrong with you.

And here I just want to make it clear that my past relationships were definitely real and I'm grateful for the people I had the chance to share these beautiful feelings with. In the end, it's what it's, we never choose who we love.

Lastly, I want to thank you all. You guys have been incredible, always so supportive, hope you'll stay like lovely fans.

All the love

L xx"

He's too late.

The moment Harry opens his phone, the news are slapping him in the face. Louis did it..

Once he started reading Louis's tweet, he cried. He cried so much and he couldn't stop crying. He cried like he's 17 and in love and unable to say it, although he wanted to shout it out to the whole world on top of his lungs. He cried because Louis was always - and still- the one to do the hard work, take the blame for it. He cried because he couldn't be with Louis in this, because he pushed him to the edge and caused all this drama and now Louis is going to pay for it. Yes, he can hire a good lawyer and fight for it all he wants, but it's useless. The process will take years..and during those years Louis won't be able to make any appearance or put out any new music. It's over..and it's all Harry's fault.

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