They Don't Know About Us

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Harry is confused.

He just woke up and found himself in a plane. Next to him is a very angry louis, and Harry just doesn't know why.

"Are you ok?" He whispered to him. Louis just nodded without looking at him. And now Harry doesn't know what to do. Because before falling asleep Louis was all cuddly and happy. And now he seems like he has just lost a loved one.

Harry was just annoyed at first, but now he's rather mad. Because really..can Louis stop treating him like this? Is he a bipolar or something? Harry huffs in frustration.

Unlike the last time, through all the processes and check points and all the way home, Louis doesn't leave his side. Always leading him with a hand on his lower back like someone is going to kidnap him somehow. And Harry is so, so confused. But he still follows, walks around with Louis like a lost puppy would.

When they got home, Everyone was so tired. They have two bathrooms and they took turns showering. Then they ordered Chinese and ate in front of tv. Louis sat next to him on the couch beside him is Liam, Niall on the floor, and Zayn is sitting on the armchair like the introvert he is. Louis still hasn't said anything, but he's holding Harry so tight it almost hurts.

The boys start going to bed one by one, Louis just doesn't move 'till it's only the two of them. Harry is sweating all of sudden. He waits and waits but Louis still won't say anything. Harry sighs in frustration, Louis keeps playing with his curls in silence.

"Lou.." Harry says . Louis looks down at him

"Yes Harry?"

Harry. No more pet names.

"Umm..did something happen?" Harry tries

Louis pauses for a bit. Then sighs and adjusts his shirt, Harry sits a bit.

"Did you see the articles?" He says in a cold tone. Harry shakes his head, so Louis shows him on his phone.

(Harry Styles spotted having fun in Taylor Swift concert and mouthing her songs happily)


Harry looks up at Louis with pleading eyes "Come on were right there. It's not like you don't know how the media can be" he says trying to climb on his lap. Louis lets him.

"You're going on a date with her" he whispers seeming hurt. Harry holds his cheeks

"You mean I'm going to a set up date our management arranged for me. You know I have no say in this" Harry says rubbing their noses. Louis sighs. "They did the same thing with you and Eleanor, you know how it goes"

"It's not the same" Louis says immediately. Harry opens his eyes and sees that Louis's eyes are open too

"El knows it's fake. I reckon Taylor doesn't know right?" He asks already knowing the answer. Harry stays silent.

Louis moves his face away in annoyance, Harry holds his head and makes him look at him again "hey..hey Lou look at me" Louis does. "You know it's for the's just, there's nothing I can do about it ok? I'm sure it won't last all that long anyway. The longest I had was what..six months? I'll just go for a couple of hours and take some pictures and have dinner with her and then I'll come back home here. To you" he whispers the last sentence trying to make Louis understand he's the only one he cares about, that he truly, honestly doesn't want to do this, then he kisses him slowly trying to prove a point.

Louis is looking down at their hands, then he tangles them and intertwines their fingers.

"Do you know why they made me date Eleanor in the first place? They thought I was gay" he says chuckling with no humor. Harry nods sadly, he knows that. Louis is still playing with their fingers when he says "they know about us..that's why they're trying to set you up on all these dates" he whispers in the most heartbreaking scene Harry has ever seen.

"No they don't" Harry says firmly, Louis looks up at him "they don't know about us, this love is ours remember?" He says trying to smile

"You're quoting her songs already" Louis says sarcastically

"I'm quoting OUR song, Louis" Harry says smiling. Louis stares at him a bit then nods smiling too.

Later that night, they go to bed together. Because honestly..they have to hide their relationship from the rest of the world, they want to at least be together openly in their own house. It's not like the boys are going to out them or anything.

That night, quietly in the dark, Harry sings "they don't know about us" to Louis till he falls asleep.

Next morning, Harry walks into the kitchen in his boxers. Liam and Niall are having breakfast, Louis is drinking tea. Harry smiles at him and gives him a kiss on the cheek then says "morning Lou"

"Morning babe" Louis says and brushes his curls. "Do you want some tea?" He asks

"I think I'll eat some cereal" Harry says and opens the fridge to bring some milk. He hears someone clearing their throat

It's Liam.

"So you guys are.." he asks confused. Niall laughs

"Come on Li.." Niall says smiling

" long ?" He says looking at them with a raised eyebrow " I really didn't wanna comment on you two sleeping in the same bed but hey, if there's something then tell us"

"Shut up Payno" Louis says then sips his tea, Harry and Niall just laugh

"It really just happened" Harry tells him nicely "it's not like we were hiding it from you guys we just really didn't know till like..two days ago"

"Actually we did plan not to tell you but we got bored" Louis says and moves a bit so Harry can sit next to him.

"I told you" Niall says and drinks half of the orange juice in front of him "I told you they were going to tell us once it happens. These two can't keep a secret for shit"

"Guys, I'm really happy for you but I recommend you to keep it as discreet as possible. They know nothing for sure and they're still setting you up on dates" Liam says seriously, Louis glares at him.

Harry knows why he's acting like this. He just remembered the date with Taylor

"They set you up on dates too" Harry says, Liam doesn't respond to that

"Morning lads" Zayn says entering the kitchen, obviously just woken up

"I woke you up like..30 minutes ago" Liam tells him, Zayn just walks past him to the fridge.

"Where are you guys going?" Niall asks

"We are going to the studio, we came up with a song idea yesterday and we're meeting with Julian" Liam tells him standing up

"Do you need me there?" Louis asks lazily

"I mean..not right now but you could-"

"I'm out" Louis says interrupting him walking out of the kitchen.
"How was your date?"

Liam asks in the car. He was trying his best not to ask all night, but he just can't do it anymore

"It was..good" Zayn says looking out of the window "I guess" he adds

"Yeah?" Liam says throwing a quick glance towards him, then looking back at the road "there were articles"

Zayn snorts.

"When aren't there?" He says sarcastically, Liam doesn't say anything to that.

It crawls under his skin, he got almost no sleep for two nights thinking about that. And "that" not an ok thing to think about

"What's the matter with you?" Zayn asks finally sighing

"Hmm?" Liam says not looking at him

"You were so rude to her. Why don't you like her?" Zayn asks, annoyed

"I don't know her" Liam shrugs

"Exactly ! You don't know her..why do you hate her so much?" Zayn insists

"I don't hate her.." Liam mumbles, Zayn drops it.

They don't talk for the rest of the ride.

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