Love You Goodbye

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Harry and Taylor are dating. Harry and Taylor are dating for real.

Louis can't live with it. He just can't live knowing his babe now belongs to someone else..he can't sleep till he literally faints. Can't eat till he's starving. He's never known that love could do all that to him. He doesn't look like himself, doesn't feel anything at all. His mom is begging him to get back and leave it all behind, but he can't be that selfish. They're literally in the middle of recording the album.

He hasn't seen Harry for more than two weeks. They bump into each other sometimes in the studio, but it's always in a room full of people, always chaste and quick, like it never it was some kind of a daydream.

He looks like a ghost, unreal. Exhausted but gorgeous..his eyes are greener than ever, his skin is pale, his smile is long gone. Their eyes meet sometimes and Louis' heart sinks.


It's cinematic actually, the way his room is dim dark, he's lying on his bed, curling upon himself. Liam is standing on the other side of the door, as he does every day to inform him they're going out for dinner. Louis refuses to go each time.

"We're not going out...I cooked" Liam says when Louis refuses to leave his room as usual.

Louis doesn't respond to that. A few minutes pass, then there's a deep sigh outside his door

"Please Lou" Liam's voice cracks, it actually shakes..and it's surprisingly heartbreaking "I don't know what to do anymore.." Liam finishes, the hopelessness in his voice is too obvious

So Louis gives up to his love for his friend, and leaves the bed. He finds his three best friends around the kitchen table, Harry isn't there. Because of course, he is not. He's at his girlfriend'. Fuck..Harry has a girlfriend...

The kitchen is so quiet. Only Zayn is typing on his phone, Liam is two seconds away from telling him not to use his phone on the table, and Niall is staring at his plate with empty eyes.

Niall's name is in almost every article this week. Probably this will go on for a whole month. None of them excepted it..not even Niall himself.

It's usually Harry's role, but now everyone knows that Niall Horan slept with Ellie Goulding, the famous pop star, who happens to be also Ed Sheeran's girlfriend. "I was so drunk...I don't know how did that happen" he said sobbing when he told them. Liam was upset, but he still hugged him and told him it'll be fine.

The next day, Liam and Zayn went to visit Ed. He wasn't thrilled, but he was fairly calm. He told them it has nothing to do with their business, but he won't do anything to stop the rumors, and he surely doesn't want to see Niall anytime soon. "They slept together in our hotel room..I don't even know what to say to that". So all in all, it isn't half as bad as it could be.

Louis stares blankly at the pasta Liam had made. Suddenly he feels the urge to cry because if Harry and he were on good terms, Harry would cook him the best pasta ever.

"Lou?" It's Zayn this time. Louis lifts his head to look at him. "You haven't been eating well mate, you think you can try and finish that?"

Louis hates it. Because of course, Harry won't want him anymore. He was a dick to him, treated him like shit, and on top of all that, he is ugly and fat. While and hot Harry.

Of course, he will want Taylor who wears size 2. Probably.

"I'm not hungry" Louis lies.

"You don't have to finish it," Liam tells him, his voice is gentle and caring "we're just worried about you"

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