Main Girl

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"I think Louis is cheating on me"

Eleanor says casually while staring at her phone, both of her friends, Amanda and Lucy freeze.

She can feel them exchanging meaningful looks, then stare at her carefully, she looks at them confirming what she just said

"Umm..what?" Amanda says looking amused

"I think Louis is cheating on me" Eleanor repeats not breaking eye contact, like she's challenging them. There's a little pause when non of them says anything

"I'm sorry let me get this right," Lucy says and shifts on her chair "are you saying that your perfect boyfriend Louis Tomlinson is cheating on you?"

Eleanor doesn't miss the sarcasm in her tone, but she only nods quietly then sips her coffee. They all stay silent

"Why would you..what happened?" Amanda asks clearly confused

Eleanor sighs then looks around a bit...

"I don't know. He doesn't go out a lot, I mean..he always preferred staying home anyway, but I don''s like.."

She pauses, not knowing what she wants to say. Louis has done nothing too strange, nothing has changed, it's just...

"It's just a feeling you have..?" Lucy says with a raised eyebrow, Eleanor looks at her and considers that

"It's not just a (feeling I have)" she says and rolls her eyes "he just..he's there but..not there? We'd be sitting together watching tv or just hanging around, but I know..god...I know for sure he's somewhere else in his mind"

"El I'm sorry but this is ridiculous," Lucy says and laughs "you don't know what he's thinking about, he's probably just stressed about work and family and you're taking it too seriously"

"Yeah exactly" Amanda adds "and let's be've always been like this. You always feel like he doesn't want you and he doesn't love you and blah blah blah..stop being so insecure girl! He should feel lucky for having you and I'm sure he is. Why would he stay with you all this time if he didn't? He said it himself, you're "it" for him. So stop being a drama queen and don't ruin your relationship"

Eleanor sighs again and rubs her face with her hands "I know I know.." she mumbles quietly then sips her coffee. "But.." she starts again "I know he has changed a lot since his mom passed away, he's always quiet and he snaps easily but..lately he has been more distracted than usual. He's always on his phone, always zoning out..but not like, not sadly, almost like.."

She never finishes, so Amanda asks carefully "like he's in love?"

Eleanor looks at her and nods slowly.

"What is this?" Lucy says sarcastically and laughs "you've been together for 6 years and now you're telling me you think he's falling in love with someone else just because he's a little bit distracted? You're with him all the time, he doesn't even leave the house to get a chance to cheat on you"

Eleanor frowns at that "stop talking about my relationship like you know every little detail about us"

"Sweetie," Amanda says softly and holds Eleanor's hand "we love you..ok? We really do. And if you want to be with Louis then we're supporting you, you know we like him. But if you feel unhappy with him then fuck everything. Fuck 6 years of relationship fuck the media and fuck him too. You're the most important thing, you can do it"

Eleanor bites her lip, but then she smiles at her friends "thanks love" she says and squeezes Amanda's hand "I love you too, thanks for being here for me"

"Of course," Amanda says happily

"So.." Lucy says and raises her eyebrow "you still think he's cheating on you?"

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