Just Like You

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Chapter21: Just Like You

It's the first of June when Eleanor finally leaves.

It's so stressful because now that she's not around, Louis doesn't trust himself anymore. He'll get home to an empty house and spend the whole night drinking and smoking and thinking about Harry and..yeah.

The night before her flight, Eleanor and Louis were making out in bed, they haven't shagged once since Harry and Louis started meeting up. Eleanor never really tried anyway, but tonight being their last night together, it was just reasonable for them to do it..except that Louis really can't

"I'm gonna miss you so much" she whispers to him while peppering his face with kisses "my lovely boy..you're so lovely.."

Louis closes his eyes and breathes deeply because god..he needs to get out of here...

"I'll miss you too babe" he whispers to her and holds her face between his hands, she smiles softly at him

"I had a dream," she says and brushes her lips on his cheeks "that we were having a baby"

Louis chokes on the air.

Eleanor looks confused, she stares at him with worried eyes "what?"

Louis feels himself blushing and getting redder by the second, then he laughs nervously "nothing..it's just, I didn't expect that to be honest"

Eleanor stares at him for a few moments, then leans her head forward to rest her forehead on Louis'

"Expect what?" She questions with sad eyes "you do want babies right Louis?"

Louis opens his mouth to answer, but she keeps talking "obviously not now...I understand you're busy and all..just..someday maybe?"

Louis doesn't understand what's this sudden baby talk is about. Eleanor was never a huge baby fan, yes she was always helpful with his siblings but..why now all of sudden? Talking about babies only reminds Louis of all the times he watched Harry playing with Lux and thought god...I wanna have his babies. The thought sent a shiver in Louis' body and he found himself relaxing a bit

"Sure love, one day..definitely"

Eleanor smiles and leans down to kiss him, but a sudden buzz of Louis' phone on the nightstand stops her

Louis picks up the phone, hums a few times, makes a horrified face then mumbles "I'll be there in a second"

He gets up immediately and starts getting dressed, Eleanor still hasn't asked what happened, just watches him curiously

"I'm sorry El I know it's our last night but the girls are in trouble..." he says quickly

"Are they ok? What happened?" She asks worriedly

"Nothing dangerous babe don't worry," he tells her and pecks her on the lips "I'm sorry I couldn't stay, I'll miss you"

Eleanor nods and smiles "it's alright...It'll be a few weeks and I'll be back. Tell the girls I said hi and text me about what happens yeah?"

Louis nods and picks up his phone and keys "sure babe I will, enjoy your trip..bye"

One last kiss then he's out of the door.

He sits in his car and sighs tiredly..then he rings Lottie

"Thanks a lot..you saved me"

"Any time," she says and Louis is sure she's smirking "can I know now what's this about?"

Louis rolls his eyes "let it go Lottie I just needed to get away"

"From your girlfriend?"

Louis sighs again and covers his eyes with one arm

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