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Taehyun goes quiet when he hears Changwan say that. Taehyun backs away a few steps and steps in front of his friends and family. Changwan, being the madman he is, just chuckles and walks around his victims.

"As I'm sure you already know, the rope I tied your friends with is magical. It blocks them from using any powers they have. Oh! Mr. Kang, did you know your son is friends with Magia?" he asks Taehyun's father.

Mr. Kang's eyes widen in shock for a moment. He quickly snaps out of it though and glares at Changwan.

"Why yes, Mr. Kang... your son is a traitor," he smirks. 

Mr. Kang looks to his son Taehyun with a sympathetic look which surprises the boy.

Changwan then loudly claps his hands, causing everyone to look at him.

"Since I'm feeling nice today, and I just really enjoyed that lovely father-son moment, I'll tell you how I plan on killing you before I do it," he grins.

Beomgyu and Huening Kai start crying after that statement and lower their heads. Yeonjun is biting his lip hard and his eyes look watery. He is trying to stay strong for the younger ones. Taehyun, hearing the cries, walks over to the trio and gives them hugs. He then backs away so he is between them all.

"It's okay guys, I'm sure someone will find us. It'll be alright," he states.

Yeonjun starts softly crying at that, even he couldn't hold back. Taehyun looks away from them and walks away again. If he watches them cry, he will cry too.

"As I was saying," Changwan interrupts with a scoff, "My plan is to first dispose of your lovely parents. They have been the biggest problem for me and I plan on getting rid of them first," Taehyun's hands clench into fists and his eyes water as he looks at his panicking parents. 

"Then, I plan on killing off these Magia crybabies. They know too much and are a danger to me. Plus the tears are fucking annoying," Changwan mutters the last part.

Changwan turns to Taehyun. Taehyuns hands are shaking and tears are streaming from his eyes. He's helpless. He is too weak to take him by himself and his friends can't help him at all.

"Last will be you Taehyun," Changwan smirks walking closer to the boy. 

"Since you decided not to follow in your father's footsteps and become a Raven. You are a traitor. You became a Dove despite having no magical power whatsoever. You betrayed all Nomia and you betrayed your family. You deserve to suffer through watching your 'friends' and family die," Changwan finishes with a smile.

"You're a monster," Taehyun softly says.

Changwan chuckles.

"No, but your friends are," Changwan replies and turns to walk away.

That statement seems to spark something inside the boy. He lifts his head slowly, eyes narrowed, teeth clenched. His shudders of fear become shakes of anger. His slouched posture replaced with a tall confident one. His soft voice replaced with a loud and fierce one.

"I don't like it when people call my friends' monsters Changwan," Taehyun shouts, grabbing Changwan's attention.

"So? It's not like they care about you. They are the same ones that called you two-faced, correct?" Changwan responds, not bothering to turn around.

"Only because a real monster manipulated them," Taehyun seethes.

Changwan chuckles and turns back around.

"You think I'm a monster now? I was going to let you say some last words but I think I'll get rid of your family now," he laughs and unsheathes a knife from his belt. 

The Condemned Kind | Yeonbin TaeGyuKai ✔️Where stories live. Discover now