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Lunchtime came and so did the drama. Soobin and Taehyun arrived at their usual tale first followed by Huening Kai and Beomgyu. There was chatter between the four until Yeonjun arrived with Ara. The two of them were laughing amongst each other and walking towards the other boys. The four boys had stopped talking and were giving looks to the couple coming towards them. Soobin stood up as they got closer.

"What are you doing?" he asks the pair while looking straight at Yeonjun.

The two of them stop walking and look toward the loud boy.

"We're just talking Soobs," Yeonjun states. 

The girl looks down in shame as the blue-haired boy turns and glares at her. After a minute of quiet Soobin sits down and looks to Yeonjun.

"Ok, but as long as she doesn't sit with us," he states with a wave of his hand.

Yeonjun and Ara look at each other. Ara gives a soft smile and gestures towards the table. Yeonjun nods. As he walks away he shakes his phone in a way that only Ara would have noticed. 

Yeonjun takes a seat between Beomgyu and Huening Kai. There is an awkward silence among them as Yeonjun notices the stares some of them are giving him. A cough breaks the silence.

"So, uh, Ara transferred classes," Taehyun starts.

"Obviously," Soobin mutters with an eye roll.

"I don't see what your problem with her," Yeonjun states with a confused look.

"She is rude, unhelpful, and a burden," Soobin responds.

"I talked to her and she doesn't seem like it," Yeonjun counters.

The two boys look at each other and furrow their eyebrows. The tension at the table is so thick it could be cut with a knife. The other people at the table realize that if someone doesn't change the subject someone's going to get hurt.

"So DiD yOu GuYs GeT tHaT pAcKeT iN mAtH?" Huening Kai asks loudly, successfully distracting the fighting boys.

"Yeah, but wasn't it only like two pages?" Soobin asks, genuinely concerned for Kai's well being. 

"Um... yeah... uh...you're right," Kai mumbles after pulling the packet out of his bag.

Beomgyu giggles at Kai's silliness and rolls his eyes.

"Are you trying to ask for help?" Beomgyu asks and Kai groans.

"Oh my gosh yes...I'm going to faaaail" he whines and there is laughter around the table.

"Well, I wish I could help you, but I have somebody coming to my house today. Maybe this weekend?" Yeonjun suggests and Kai smiles. 

"Sounds like a plan to me! You guys in?" Kai asks.

The rest of the boys nod in approval and Kai claps his hands excitedly.

"Yay! Sleepover time!" he squeals.

"That means I get to spend more time with you," Taehyun says to Huening Kai seductively.

The other boys watch the interaction with wide eyes as Kai blushes bright red.

"Y'all should date," Soobin laughs from the side and they both turn towards the older.

"Maybe we should," Taehyun states and Kai blushes again.

There is more laughter as Kai blushes again.

All laugh except for the other boy with black hair who is watching the scene with a sad look and clenched fists.

The Condemned Kind | Yeonbin TaeGyuKai ✔️Where stories live. Discover now