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Taehyun's POV

The three of us are all lying on our stomachs on the floor. In all honesty, I had already seen the movie before. I knew two out of the five people in the room couldn't stand scary movies so I just picked a movie that was less scary but still good. If I'm being completely honest, I wanted to pay more attention to the cute boy laying next to me. 

He is so intriguing. He flirts with Beomgyu all the time, but when I compliment his shoes or something he blushes like crazy. When he meets someone for the first time or when he walks around the school, he acts like a cold guy. Right now, however, he is lying next to me with his hand around my arm, gripping it during the scary parts. 

As I look at him, I can't help but wonder if he's doing the same thing to Beomgyu. Pushing the thought aside, I look back and watch the movie.

My viewing is interrupted when I hear a laugh from Huening Kai and Beomgyu. I feel myself get angry and I huff. My interest in the movie has gone down to zero as I watch Kai flirt with Beomgyu. They are probably talking about how cute the other is and making plans to be together. Call me petty, but they are being so obvious. 

Being the petty person I am, I remove his hand from my arm roughly. He turns to me and frowns. I feel bad for a moment then remember him flirting with Beomgyu.

"Why did you do that?" he asks with a pout.

"You were gripping my arm too tight while you were talking," I roll my eyes, "with Beomgyu,"

Kai doesn't move for a moment. His suddenly morphs into a smirk and I am suddenly confused. He scoots close to me, and I back away a little.

"Taehyun," he starts and I panic at our closeness, "are you jealous of Beomgyu?" he asks.

I feel my mouth dry and I glare at Kai. 

"N-no," I spit out and curse internally at my stutter.

"Oh? Just remember that I chose to sit between you, and not just next to Beomgyu the next time you get jealous," he states and backs away.

I stay in that position, stunned by Kai's sudden boldness. I decide that I can't let that slide. I scoot back next to him and slap his ass from under the blanket. He yips in surprise and I smirk as I see Kai deny to Beomgyu that anything is wrong. When he looks back at me I smirk again as I start to knead his ass. He mouths for me to stop, but I ignore him. He tries to grab my hand but I just grab his hand and smack his ass again. He whines quietly and sticks his butt up. I stop at that and smirk as I pull my hand away.

He gives me a glare and stands up abruptly. 

"I'm going to the bathroom," he states and walks away. 

The other boys give him a look and go back to watching the movie. I sneak out and follow him out. I catch up to him and stop the door from closing. He sees me and gasps. In that moment I use my strength to push open the door then shut it behind me. He backs away from me until he hits the wall behind him. I use my arms to trap him. 

"You thought you could yell at me?" I ask, "I don't think you remember that I'm older than you,"

"S-so what, you were in a pissy mood with me for no reason," he hisses at me.

"I don't think I like your language, Kai. You better shut your mouth before I have to shut it for you," I smirk.

Kai's eyes widen and he shuts his mouth immediately. 

"I'll let you off with a warning this time, but just know what happened in there will be worse next time," I state with a smug look. 

I leave him be after that and go back to sitting with the other boys. They don't really acknowledge my presence, too busy watching the movie. I give Kai an innocent smile when he comes back and he looks away. The rest of the night passes by with no incidences.

Beomgyu's POV

Although I can watch scary movies, I feel a bit frightened by the movie. I consider holding onto Kai but I don't want to be a burden. He is scared enough. I recall my parents' "conversation" with me.

"Jesus christ Beomgyu, for a pureblood black magician you sure seem to like pastel colors," my mom scoffs.

"I like the colors. Besides, if I went out wearing all black, wouldn't I look more suspicious?" I ask.

"Your son has a point, people might think he was a magician. We only want him to be around Ravens," my dad states.

"I still don't see why you want him hanging around Ravens. He'd be killed if they found out," my mom questions.

"No one would suspect a Magia of his power to be hanging out with Ravens. Besides, he won't be found out if he is being careful," my dad concludes and my mom hesitantly nods.

"Fine, just stay safe," she warns.

I'm brought back to reality when I hear rustling behind me. I grin as I see Soobin laying on top of Yeonjun. Yeonjun blushes and I smirk. I turn and whisper to Huening Kai.

"I told you that they would get together," I whisper with a giggle, "my Yeonbin ship is thriving,"

We both laugh and start talking again.

"How fast until you think they start dating? I bet less than three months," Kai whispers back.

"You're on, I'll bet more than three months. Loser has to buy the winner lunch for a week," I state

"Deal," Kai nods and we shake on it.

We both turn back and look at Yeonjun and Soobin. We turn back and giggle amongst each other. I go back to watching the movie when I see Kai talking to Taehyun. He's probably going to include Tae in the bet. I think to myself as I enjoy the movie. There is a bit of movement between the two. Kai yips at one point and I wonder if he's ok. He insists he is, but a few minutes later he gets up hurriedly.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he states and walks away.

I give him a look but shake it off as I see Tae follow him. He's probably going to ask what's wrong, I decide. They come back a few moments and both seem fine so I figure they both talked. The movie finishes without anything else happening.

Yeonjun's POV

Knowing Soobin will not be able to handle the movie, I immediately pull the tallboy onto my lap. Even though it's dark, I can still see the pink that colors his cheeks. I expect him to push me away but I am surprised when he lays his head on my chest. I smile and I know my cheeks are heating up as well. I suddenly see Beomgyu look back at me and grin. My ears suddenly start burning and I look away.

I see Beomgyu whisper something to Heuning Kai and they laugh. I hide my face in the crook of Soobin's neck as my face stays red. Soobin giggles and squirms in my lap. 

"Your breath is ticklish," he whispers.

I hide my face in my shirt out of embarrassment and turn away. I hear Beomgyu and Kai giggling and I know they are giggling at me. I decide to stay like that until I feel all calmed down. 

When I finally feel calm enough to show my face I see Soobin staring at me. I force myself to look away and watch the movie. Soobin responds by grabbing my hand from under the blanket. Instead of pulling away, I keep my hand there and relish the warmth of his hand. He snuggles his head back into my chest and I put my free hand around him. We both lay there and relax in each others warmth. I lose track of time as I spend my time admiring the guy in front of me. I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I hear Kai get up. I look at him, confused as to what's happening.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he states and I nod and go back to admiring Soobin.

But no homo, right?

The Condemned Kind | Yeonbin TaeGyuKai ✔️Where stories live. Discover now