Party Preparations

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Toph stood outside her father's study and reflected on the last time she had visited it. Throwing the door open was not planned last time, so this time she would try a different approach. Besides, the more respectable she was, the better his mood would be. She rapped her knuckles gently on the door and waited for his voice.

"Come in."

"It's me, Dad," Toph announced.

"This is a pleasant surprise," Lao said without lifting his head from his documents. "You don't usually knock. What is it?"

Toph paused for a moment and thought how best to bring it up. Direct was always the easiest way, so straight to the point it was.

"I wanna have a Christmas party," she said.

"Oh," Lao said, continuing his writing. "And who would be coming to this party?"

"Katara, Zuko, their families, and Aang."

No answer. Lao merely continued to write and glance over his papers. Toph's started tapping her foot absently as she always did when faced with something aggravating.

"You wouldn't have to do anything," she told him. "Mom either. We'd take care of everything. We'll get the food, the decorations, the whole shebang."

"Is that so?" her father finally responded.

"Yeah, so you guys wouldn't have to lift a finger."


Mm? That was it? That was all he was going to say? How was she supposed to interpret that? She could feel his pen still scratching across the papers on his desk. Couldn't he put that stupid thing down for one second and talk to her?

"So?" she finally asked.

"So what?"

"So, can I have the party?"

The pen finally stopped. Lao set the papers to the side and regarded his daughter with a confused smile.

"You're asking me for permission?"

"Duh," Toph replied. "It's your house."

Lao laughed at the response. He had simply assumed Toph was going to hold the party with or without his consent. When his laughter subsided, he smiled to his daughter.

"I don't see why not," he answered. "I suppose it would be nice to see Hakoda and Sokka again. And I would like to meet Zuko's family."

"Seriously?" Toph could not believe her ears.

"Seriously," Lao confirmed as he resumed his paperwork.

"Sweet!" Toph exclaimed as she turned for the door. She stopped as a thought came to her and she rushed to her father's desk. Reaching over it to his arm, she gave him a quick jab. "Thanks, Pops!"

Lao rubbed his tenderized shoulder as he watched Toph sprint out the door and down the hallway.


Toph ran excitedly down the halls of the estate all the way to the eastern garden where Ty Lee eagerly awaited the results of the conversation.

"What'd he say? What'd he say?"

"The party is good to go!"

The shopping district of the city was abuzz with Christmas deals and shoppers. The number of people walking the sidewalks and carrying bags was ridiculously higher than those in the mall just a few days ago. Toph did not know if she was glad or annoyed that Ty Lee and Katara were leading her and Aang through the crowds. Probably a little of both. Katara was the leader of course. She was the decorator, cook, party organizer and she just sort of took charge when Kuzon picked her up from her house. Aang was along for the ride simply because Ty Lee insisted that he come. She said that Toph and Aang did not get enough quality couple time together.

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