Mall Crawl

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Mall Crawl

The week leading up to finals and even finals themselves were nothing compared to the incident at the track. Aang had a pleasant air of calm throughout his exams and by the time the week was mercifully over, he was confident in his performance. The only thing that had troubled him at all was Toph. How was she supposed to take exams anyway? It wasn't like she could glance at the paper and fill out the answer sheets. When he asked her about it she had told him that she took one on one oral finals with the instructors during the weekend.

"So how do you prepare for something like that?" Aang had asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I've never seen you study," Aang replied. "So how did you prepare for finals?"

"Are you kidding?" Toph laughed. "A couple nights studying with Kuzon and I had those things totally wired!"

The only thing school held over them now was the results of the finals. It was going to take another full week before the results were going to be mailed out, which left one full week of thinking about every mistake they could have made. Toph did not mind this in the slightest. Aang was still confident in himself, but the wait was a little unnerving for him. Zuko did not seem to care one way or the other about his test results. Katara on the other hand could not stop thinking about them.

"I should have studied more," she said for the thousandth time that day. Toph was beginning to regret inviting Katara to join herself and Aang for lunch.

"Just try not to think about it," Aang suggested.

"I can't help it!" Katara snapped. "You don't understand! After these finals is final finals and then the college entrance exams!"

"You're getting ahead of yourself," Toph said. "You have more immediate things to worry about."

"Like what?"

"Don't you have Christmas to get ready for?"

Toph grinned when she felt Katara's vibrations freeze in mid pace. Worked like a charm, she thought. Katara began a whole new pacing session as she started listing all of the preparations that needed to be made, finals completely forgotten. She spoke of decorations and tree size, Christmas dinner and dessert, and presents.

"Presents!" she suddenly shouted. "I still have to get presents! You two have to help me!"

"What? Why us?" Toph asked.

"Please," Katara whined. "I can't do it all on my own, and I can't take Zuko when I get his present."

"I don't mind," Aang said. "I have a few things to get too."

"Fine," Toph conceded. "But we'll go tomorrow. I'm enjoying my lazy day."

Toph made sure to wake herself up bright and early the next morning. Knowing Katara, she would already ready and probably waiting outside the mall for the doors to open. She rolled out of bed and grabbed some clothes before heading for the shower. The hot water felt nice against her skin and she was tempted to stay in longer until she heard a knock on the door.

"Miss?" Kuzon called. "The car is ready whenever you are."

"Alright, I'll be out in a sec!"

Once Kuzon heard the water stop he returned to the living room where the Bei Fongs waited for him. Huiliang regarded him with a smile as Lao folded his hands in front of him. Of course Kuzon knew what that meant. Master Lao had something he wanted to say and it was going to be heard.

"I don't want Toph left alone at the mall, Kuzon," Lao told him. "Do you understand?"

"You wish for me to chaperon their shopping trip, sir?"

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