Fever - Simon Brown

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Disclaimer: Simon is a lot older in this fanfic 😁
(Y/n) woke up to a terrible headache, her stomach was upset, and she had a funky taste in her mouth. She quickly got up feeling her stomach belch a bit and ran to the bathroom. She closed the door so she wouldn't wake up Simon and began vomiting until she reached the point where she was retching.
Meanwhile Simon woke up to the sounds of someone getting sick in the bathroom. He thought nothing of it thinking it might just be Erick getting sick from one of his experiments and turned to his side to cuddle (y/n). He widened his eyes in realization when he felt nobody there and ran strait to the bathroom holding her hair and rubbing her back.
Her eyes were watering as she wiped her mouth flushing the toilet and began crying a little.
Simon put his hand on her forehead.
"You're burning up darling. Is it just your tummy?"
She shook her head. "My head feels like it's pounding and there's this weird taste in my mouth and now my throat hurts after practically spilling my guts out."
"My poor girl. Let's get you back into bed." He said picking her up bridal style and laying her back down tucking her in.
He quickly left then came back with a damp cold cloth placing it on her forehead and a thermometer having her put it under her tongue.
He went back down to the kitchen and put the kettle on then came back up taking the thermometer out of her mouth.
"Looks like you have a temperature of a 102. My poor girl." He said petting her hair. "Theres no church for you this morning. If I can't get your fever down by Tuesday we'll fetch the doctor." He said with a loving smile.
The kettle began to whistle and he went back down the stairs making her some tea with lemon and hunny.
"Here you go, this should help with your throat and I let Cook know that you're ill so she's making you some chicken broth."
He grabbed her cloth and ran it under cold water rinsing it and placing it back on her forehead.
"You know I bet I still have some of that medicine that my old nanny gave me." He said getting up as she quickly grabbed his arm shaking her head. He gave a light chuckle then sat back down with her.
"That stuff was putrid!" Erick yelled from the attic. "Alright my love why don't you try and close your eyes and rest for a bit.
"Tell me a story."
"Pardon?" He asked her confused.
"Will you tell a story to me Simon please?"
He kissed her cheek and went to the book shelf.
"How about The lost prince by Francis Burnett? It's a new one you know."
She shook her head her head. "No tell me about your old nanny again."
Smiling widely she patted the spot next to her for him to lay. When he did she cozied up on his chest and he began telling her the story of a nanny he had who did incredible things. It was by the time he reached the part where he put his clothes on the pig when his great aunt Stitch came that she fell asleep and he quietly and carefully slid out from under her making sure to tuck her in. He went into his fathers old office and sat at the desk looking over paperwork and bills that he needs to take care of. A couple of hours later cook came in giving him some chicken with broth and veggies in it. "That's alright Cook I'll take it to her. I've had dinner with (y/n) sense we got married and I don't plan on breaking it now."
"If you insist sir." The young brunette who resembled her mother who used to cook his meals as a kid said. "Thank you very much." She smiled with a small nod and left.
He went back up to their room and rubbed (y/n)s arm. "Wake up my sweet. Let's get something in your tummy."
She groaned rolling over. "I can't stomach it."
"Come on my love just a few bites. You haven't eaten anything today."
"And I'm not planning on it."
"My beautiful girl please for me?"
She could never refuse when Simon used himself against her because she'd do anything and everything for him just like he would for her.
"I guess for you."
He smiled helping her to sit up as she reached for the bowl.
"Ah ah ah. Let me do it."
"Simon I'm sick not dysfunctional. I can feed myself."
"I know but I want to do it. You save every bit of your strength to getting to feeling better."
She shook her head and kissed his cheek.
"If you must."
He blew on every bite he gave her. She mostly ate the celery, only nibbling on the bits of carrots and potatoes, Simon was mainly just trying to get her to eat the chicken and drink the broth. She finished half of it then called it quits.
After a few hours of Simon sitting and talking with his wife her stomach churned again and without even having the time to get up she regurgitated everything that wasn't digested. Simon immediately held her hair back.
When she was done she began crying again. "I've ruined the blanket." She sobbed. "Darling it's only a blanket it can be washed. Don't worry yourself about it. Why don't you just go have a bath and change into some clean clothes and I'll clean this up alright?" She nodded her head and stripped of her night gown which Simon took to clean as well. After he finished cleaning it with the help of the maid he went back to her sitting next to her on the floor by the tub.
"You must feel so ashamed to have a wife to make such a mess."
"You sound ridiculous. I love you so much that we got married at 18 two years ago. And do correct me if I'm wrong darling but I do believe I had said the words through sickness and in health and I stand by those words." He kissed her forehead massaging her back and helping her to wash.
When she was done she brushed her teeth and he tucked her back into bed with new covers. "Alright my love lets get some sleep." He the spooned her and they both gave away into the night.
The next day (y/n) woke up feeling so much better. Simon checked her temperature again.
"97.5 you're all better but still I don't want you up cleaning. Just take it easy for today." He said beginning to cough then suddenly he felt a terrible wave through his stomach and his head was pounding.
(Y/n) washed the thermometer then checked his temperature.
"Simon my love...101... you're running a fever."

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