Pain /cyst (Newt)

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Warning:if things like acne or cysts Etc. bother you do not read this. This may also have a slight bit of smut.

I was washing the dishes with fry when I felt an uncomfortable feeling between my legs. I thought nothing of it because it wasn't hurting, but I should defiantly take a look at it, or at least have Newt take a look at it considering we have no mirrors here in the glade, and just have him check for anything unusual.
When I was finished I went in and looked at Newt sat on our bed. "Hello darling." "Hi umm Newt can I ask you to do me a favor?" He sat up giving me a worried look. "Of course. What is it? You're not hurt are you?" "No, just something that has been bothering me for a while. Can you take a look at it?" "Sure, where?" I gestured below to my privet area. "Alright, let's have a look."
I laid on the bed and spread my legs to give him a good look. "That's strange. There is some sort of small lump." "A lump? You mean like a cyst or something?" He looked at me with a shrug. "Could be. We'll keep a close eye on it. If it starts hurting we can see what the medjacks have to say." "Okay thanks Newt." I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. "Of course my flower." He smirked and continued " Now that you're already half naked why don't you and I get into some... trouble." I smiled at his gesture to seduce me and pulled him closer by the caller of his shirt and we began to lustfully kiss. He shed his pants and underwear off but just as he was about to enter me I felt a bit of pain. "Ow, Newt I can't. It hurts." He immediately stopped and kissed me gently. Tears streamed down my face. "Great walking is feels horrible and now I find out that I can't even have sex with my boyfriend." He wipes my tears and kissed me gently. "Hey it's alright. I'm sure it will go away soon. How about we cuddle, yeah?" I nodded my head snuggling up in his arms as he played with my hair and I fell asleep.
The next day I couldn't get up without crying in pain. Newt wasn't here and our room was built far from everyone else's because they got tired of hearing us, so I couldn't let anyone know that I wasn't going in to help today.
Later Newt came in and saw me crying. "Is it hurting my dear?" I nodded in agony. "Can you spread your legs for me?" I shook my head. "No it hurts to move from this position."
"Okay I'm bringing one of the medjacks. A few minutes later Jeff came in with a bag of supplies.
"Alright let's see it."
"Well that's the thing, it hurts her when she shifts her legs." Newt replied.
"Okay, (y/n) hold on to Newt." Newt sat behind me propping me up a bit as I winced. He wrapped this arms around me and I held onto them. Jeff then began spreading my legs apart and I hissed. It felt like somebody was stabbing me in my privets. " You have a really bad cyst." He said looking in his medical book. "It's called a Bartholin cyst but because it's red it's an abscess. It looks like it's grown in the skin so I'll need to cut it open and drain it. I don't exactly have anything to numb it so you may want to bite on this." He said handing me a stick. I bit hard feeling it sting because he was cleaning it with a disinfectant wipe. He then cleaned the scalpel and I felt Newts arms hold me closer to him. Then I felt it. The sharp knife on my most sensitive area. The whole glade could hear me scream and I'm pretty sure I am sweating through my skin. My grip on Newt tightened. "AAAAAAAAAA! STOP PLEASE!" I said forgetting about biting the stick. "I'm done I'm just going to drain the puss." I cried hard feeling Newt kiss my cheek trying to sooth me. "Okay I'm done I'm just going to put gauze in to further drain it." My screams grew in to silent ones but screams nonetheless. "Done, no work for you until it heals and I'll be coming in to make sure it's not infected."
"Thanks Jeff." I said tears and sweat all over me. "Sorry (y/n)." I just smiled and nodded. I released my grip on Newt and he rubbed my arms and neck giving me a light, short, massage. "I'll stay with you until you get better."
"What about Alby?" "I think you've forgotten that I am second in command and if I want to stay and take care of my flower I will stay and take care of her." He kissed me deeply and I fell asleep from exhaustion getting ready to feel better. The last thing I heard was " I love you." And his lips press against mine.

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